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Magento SOAP API call limit?

Is there a limit on API calls using Magento's SOAP API (V1)? The product page for a store I'm working on requires several calls to the "cataloginventory_stock_item.list" method, once for every "simple ...
jGaiser's user avatar
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How to create REST API in magento after configuring REST Roles , OAuth Consumers and Users with that role?

I am not that much aware of API. I have created REST Roles and OAuth Consumers. After that i have created New user and assign that role to that user. I know that I need to create one php or xml file. ...
Nikita Tailor's user avatar
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The "oauth/consumer/enable_integration_as_bearer" path doesn't exist

I am trying to reset API but when I going to the path Stores > Configuration > Services > OAuth > Consumer Settings > Allow OAuth Access Tokens to be used as standalone Bearer tokens I ...
Haider Mohammed's user avatar
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Magento 2: How To Create Product Progamatically Using Custom Rest API

I need to create a product using a custom Rest API. (this is my first time working on API). So to check API whether it's working or not I wrote the code below, API is working, now I need to give ...
Partab Saifuddin Zakir's user avatar
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Getting 400 bad request with GuzzleHTTP when trying to POST new product

I'm trying to use the /product endpoint but keep getting `400 Bad Request` response: {"message":"\"%fieldName\" is required. Enter and try again.","parameters":{...
Dave Hon's user avatar
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Magento 2 rest API returns false when trying to get a token

I am trying to create a web app that gets data from a Magento 2 website thanks to the API, following this tutorial but it returns bool(false) when I do var_dump($token) I have read other threads on ...
Tokipudi's user avatar