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Magento 2: Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Call to a member function getId()

After adding custom module on Server. It's giving below error Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Call to a member function getId() on null in /var/www/html/magento/vendor/magento/module-backend/Block/...
Jackson's user avatar
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Magento 2: How to add a browse button to upload file in admin section?

Working on Magento 2 custom module implementation and want to add a browse button to upload a file in admin form. I have gone through the Magento2 : Admin module Image upload code to display form ...
Amit Dwivedi's user avatar
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2 answers

Magento 2 custom module not loading and it throws error

I am using windows 7. app\etc\config.php <?php return array ( 'modules' => array ( 'Test_Module1' => 1, ), ); ?> When I add My Test_Module1 in app\etc\config.php admin all ...
Niraj Patel's user avatar
3 votes
3 answers

Magento2 - override 3rd party module layout file in custom theme

We have a custom theme with some layout / template overrides Now we have installed a 3rd party module, which is overriding one of layout files in our custom theme. So, only module's override is being ...
Raul Sanchez's user avatar
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MySQL error and possible duplicates running bin/magento setup:upgrade after renaming module

I've renamed a custom module from MagicPack_magicheader to MagicPack_Magicheader and trying to now update by running setup:upgrade. I get the following error: [Zend_Db_Statement_Exception] ...
Michael Watson's user avatar
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3 answers

Magento 2: Dependency Injection: Optional class as parameter

We are developing a Magento 2 extension and we need to inject a class from a third party extension that the user may or may not have installed. We thought about injecting the class via the di.xml ...
Cid Lopes's user avatar
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2 answers

Extending Third Party Modules in Magento 2

In Magento 2 for themes, it's incredibly easy to extend from a parent. This follows a nice logical hierarchy when inheriting theme .xml and .phtml files. This is clearly defined in the theme.xml. ...
MackieeE's user avatar
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2 answers

Magento2: Add a new page layout

On the page layouts 1 column, 2 columns, 3 columns, there is always a div called "columns" in it. I would like to create a page layout, where that div does not exist. How can I do that? Where is that ...
N1njaWTF's user avatar
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3 answers

Magento2 Delete config row while Extension Uninstall

I have created a custom module which is being installed via composer. When I run the command - php bin/magento module:uninstall Vendor_Faq It is removing all the corresponding tables which I wrote ...
Gagan's user avatar
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Custom module cron job not running

I'm working on a custom module to export any new orders periodically throughout the day. I've read through countless descriptions of how to set up cron with for a custom module and it seems like I'm ...
Joseph G-H's user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

Setup version for module 'Namespace_Modulename' is not specified : Magento 2 [duplicate]

I am creating an module in Magento 2 ( ver. 2.0.0). I have registered my module in app/etc/config.xml 'Namespace_Modulename => 1, My module.xml file under app/code/Namespace/Modulename/etc/module....
Deepak Mankotia's user avatar
3 votes
3 answers

Magneto 2 How to call Helper function in observer file

I am new to Magento development and I am using a custom MySQL query in some places like in observer/plugin etc. These codes are repeating for all these files. so I want to make a new reusable ...
Sanjun Dev's user avatar
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How to deploy public PHP files in Magento 2 extension?

I need to deploy a publicly accessible PHP file as part of a Magento 2 extension. Obviously this is not intended, as usually all requests should be routed through index.php, but in this case it's ...
Fabian Schmengler's user avatar
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Magento 2.3.5 Custom Module "Invalid security or form key. Please refresh the page"

I have created a custom module that for the most part works great, it's frontend routes work flawlessly and it hasn't had issues. Recently I attempted to create a custom admin grid by following https:/...
joeybab3's user avatar
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3 answers

Magento 2: Required files to create a module

I'm aware that the only required files for creating a module are registration.php and module.xml. But I'm seeing some of the popular blogs mentioning composer.json file in addition to the above. Any ...
Renga's user avatar
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3 answers

Magento 2: store selector for custom module in admin form

Stuck in a new issue regarding adding store selector for my custom module in admin form - I need to add a store selector and to add the values of a store in a different table as it is working with ...
Amit Dwivedi's user avatar
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Magento 2 - Check login for page in custom module

I'm developing a custom module. How to check if a user is logged in or not? If not logged in, redirect the user to login page.
TFS's user avatar
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Using Enterprise core modules in Community Edition

I have been working with Magento for quite a while now. This is not a question related to coding. I was just wondering, if one copies a module from EE to CE, will it work? For example, the ...
Hashid's user avatar
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4 answers

Translating an Extension

Are there any tools for generating a csv file for translations of a module? I.e. detecting calls to __() within a module and outputting the information into a csv ready to be used as a translation ...
Peter O'Callaghan's user avatar
3 votes
3 answers

How to overwrite authentication-popup.html in Magento 2

I need to overwrite authentication-popup.html. I need to add some extra html. I just duplicated the authentication-popup.html file inside my module in the same folder from the default Magento module, ...
Diego Queiroz's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

Magento 2: Stable way to Get a the Base Directory of a Module

In Magento 1, the static getModuleDir method of the Mage class Mage::getModuleDir('', 'Mage_Core') provided a stable, "works across versions" way of getting the base folder of a Magento module. ...
Alana Storm's user avatar
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2 answers

Fatal error: Call to a member function create() on null in Magento 2

I got this error while saving image Fatal error: Call to a member function create() on null in /opt/lampp/htdocs/magento/2.1/app/code/Contact/Modules/Controller/Contact/Index.php on line 85 ...
Ramkishan Suthar's user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

Magento ver. 2.1.0 - Index Management without SSH/Shell Access?

Is it possible to do Index Management without SSH/Shell Access in Magento ver. 2.1.0 ?
mysticalghoul's user avatar
3 votes
3 answers

Magento 2 Images from one .phtml to another .phtml

In a module I have installed I am trying to create a phtml page but can't work out how to pull through information(Like an image) to my new custom .phtml File containing information: view.phtml <...
Mark's user avatar
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3 answers

How to retrieve custom fileld values from magento 2

I have added some custom fields to the admin->configurations->sales->payment section using the following method. created config.xml inside etc folder of my module dir. <config xmlns:xsi="http://...
Sanjun Dev's user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

Controller URL does not work

I have the problem that i always get the error 404 not found, if I want to get the url of my controller. This is my filestructure: And this is the URL I am trying to get loaded: http://localhost/...
Felix Schönherr's user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

Magento2: Custom module not working

I have created new module but it is not working.Please Help me on this. registration <?php \Magento\Framework\Component\ComponentRegistrar::register( \Magento\Framework\Component\...
Masud Shaikh's user avatar
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2 answers

Magento 2: Run a uninstall script when module is uninstalled via command line?

I am creating a module and I am progressing it. I am new to Magento 2 so there are a lot of things that I am not yet familiar too. As a module creator, I am curious how to run an uninstall script when ...
Ner's user avatar
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4 answers

How can I create a new order status / state in my module on Magento 2?

I'd like to create a new order state like processing, complete and etc.. Using my custom module (without using the admin panel). How can I do that? Thanks
Rafael Corrêa Gomes's user avatar
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Checkout page phone number validation

I am trying to give US format phone number validation in onepage checkout page This is the layout checkout_index_index.xml that i created in my custom module. I know how to make i work by editing the ...
HKR's user avatar
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My Custom controller not executing in magento 2

Controller is calling, but .phtml file is not calling. Even though I have debugging both controller and .phtml files controller is accessing through debugging but .phtml file is not accessing. ...
Manoj Kumar's user avatar
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4 answers

Magento 2.3.5 we found conflicting component dependencies

I have tried every possible solution I could find on the internet. From increasing the MEMLIMIT in the php.ini to 2G to removing the required tags in composer.json and so on. This is a Vanilla ...
Tommy's user avatar
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Magento 2: After adding products to cart programmatically, cart is not refreshing until reloading page

Hello Magento 2 Friends. I have an ajax call to an controller, which adds some new products to the cart programmatically. This works fine, but the problem is that the cart and the mini cart are only ...
Felix Schönherr's user avatar
3 votes
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Interceptor does not Exist

Hello guys , I am currently on magento version 2.3.0 and I am getting this error whenever I try adding a product in my admin panel. Can someone kindly assist me . After running php bin/magento setup:...
Hemdan kiboi's user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

Constr is not a constructor on layout.js line 137 error custom module

I have gone through this posts and tried to implement the answers and suggestions Magento2 getting 'Constr is not a constructor' error for custom theme && Error in layout.js, cart ...
Mac's user avatar
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Create Link Dynamically By Customer Group in Customer Account Navigation - Magento 2

I am attempting to add links to certain customer groups that will show on Customer Dashboard. I'm having trouble figuring this out! Help!
Nick Piro's user avatar
3 votes
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Can we create single composer file for more then 1 module

I am creating one module which will contain more then 1 module in it. Is it possible to create single composer file for more then 1 module? Please let me know is it possible or not. If yes, then it ...
Gaurav Agrawal's user avatar
3 votes
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Magento 2 module not working. Override fails

I am trying to write a module that filters products in a product collection. For that I have tried to override Magento\Catalog\Model\Layer. These are the files in the module: /Viking/FilterProducts/...
Rickard Johansson's user avatar
3 votes
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Magento 2 - Element with same id already exists

I'm trying to set the Magento 2 pager on my custom module, my custom module get the product collection and makes some special filters on the collection. I'm able to filter my products, but when I try ...
3tech - Alessandro Staffolani's user avatar
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Check if all module dependencies are met

I recently disabled some modules and after an upgrade I feel that new dependencies got introduced (when disabling and re-enabling a custom module I got errors). Is there a command to check if the ...
Alex's user avatar
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what folders and files in module is reason for creating tables in database?

I saw one module folders and files in magento connect. in that only etc, Helper, & Module folder is present. but there is no sql folder. but still that module created a text box in backend , so ...
Baby in Magento's user avatar
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How to access products in custom module

<?php namespace Queueapp\Queueapp\Controller\Query; // Mage::app(); class Products extends \Magento\Framework\App\Action\Action { /** @var \Magento\Framework\View\Result\Page */ protected ...
acquayefrank's user avatar
3 votes
3 answers

Is it possible to execute code for every fired event without too much boilerplate code?

This is mostly out of curiousity, as I think it would be very useful in some situations. Is there are a way in Magento to execute a piece of code every time an event is fired, regardless of the event? ...
Thierry's user avatar
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2 answers

Include en_US translation file in extension

When developing an extension is there an reason other than simply "Best Practice" to include a en_US or extension base language translation file? Example I write an extension with some text where ...
David Manners's user avatar
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3 answers

Is it necessary to disable the cache before creating a module?

I am newbie to Magento. I'm learning to create my first module but I'm confused whether it's necessary to disable the cache or not. If yes, please tell me how? Thanks,
hgfihif's user avatar
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Examples of well written modules

Can anyone point me in the direction (github or magento connect) of any well written modules in terms of code/architecture and not functionality? Preferably also using unit tests or magespec. It ...
Marty Wallace's user avatar
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5 answers

Custom Module Controller: Invalid security or form key. Please refresh the page

I have a custom module with an admin controller, but when I try to access from the administration page I get the following error: My controller is in Controller/Adminhtml/Login/Index.php class Index ...
Miguel's user avatar
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Should new modules be developed in app/code or vendor/org/module?

I prefer creating a new module repo in git, adding that via composer, and letting composer check it out to vendor so that I can develop in <magento-root>/vendor/[org]/[module] from start to ...
Keith Bentrup's user avatar
3 votes
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Magento 2 - Generate css dynamically

I have an observer and i need to generate a css file dynamically - using my admin theme setting configuration - calling my observer function.
Altravista's user avatar
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M2 Change title of Orders and Returns page

I have tried to change the title of the Orders and Returns page with XML with the following code. <page xmlns:xsi="" layout="1column" xsi:...
bondimedical's user avatar

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