Can someone please tell me how can change customer name format globally?
I want to show customer name as Last name First name instead of First name then Last name.
I ask this because I'm doing an e-commerce site in Japanese.
in magento full name
are comming from addNameToSelect()
function of class Mage_Customer_Model_Resource_Customer_Collection
and getName() function of class Mage_Customer_Model_Customer
.You need change there by rewrite classes.
Rewrite class of Mage_Customer_Model_Customer
class Stackexchange_Magento70422_Model_Customer_Customer extends Mage_Customer_Model_Customer
public function getName()
$name = '';
$config = Mage::getSingleton('eav/config');
if ($config->getAttribute('customer', 'prefix')->getIsVisible() && $this->getPrefix()) {
$name .= $this->getPrefix() . ' ';
//$name .= $this->getFirstname();
$name .= $this->getLastname();
if ($config->getAttribute('customer', 'middlename')->getIsVisible() && $this->getMiddlename()) {
$name .= ' ' . $this->getMiddlename();
//$name .= ' ' . $this->getLastname();
$name .= ' ' . $this->getFirstname();
if ($config->getAttribute('customer', 'suffix')->getIsVisible() && $this->getSuffix()) {
$name .= ' ' . $this->getSuffix();
return $name;
Rewrite resource collection class of Mage_Customer_Model_Resource_Customer_Collection
is below:
class Stackexchange_Magento70422_Model_Customer_Resource_Customer_Collection extends Mage_Customer_Model_Resource_Customer_Collection
public function addNameToSelect()
$fields = array();
$customerAccount = Mage::getConfig()->getFieldset('customer_account');
foreach ($customerAccount as $code => $node) {
if ($node->is('name')) {
$fields[$code] = $code;
$adapter = $this->getConnection();
$concatenate = array();
if (isset($fields['prefix'])) {
$concatenate[] = $adapter->getCheckSql(
'{{prefix}} IS NOT NULL AND {{prefix}} != \'\'',
$adapter->getConcatSql(array('LTRIM(RTRIM({{prefix}}))', '\' \'')),
// $concatenate[] = 'LTRIM(RTRIM({{firstname}}))';
$concatenate[] = 'LTRIM(RTRIM({{lastname}}))';
$concatenate[] = '\' \'';
if (isset($fields['middlename'])) {
$concatenate[] = $adapter->getCheckSql(
'{{middlename}} IS NOT NULL AND {{middlename}} != \'\'',
$adapter->getConcatSql(array('LTRIM(RTRIM({{middlename}}))', '\' \'')),
// $concatenate[] = 'LTRIM(RTRIM({{lastname}}))';
$concatenate[] = 'LTRIM(RTRIM({{firstname}}))'
if (isset($fields['suffix'])) {
$concatenate[] = $adapter
->getCheckSql('{{suffix}} IS NOT NULL AND {{suffix}} != \'\'',
$adapter->getConcatSql(array('\' \'', 'LTRIM(RTRIM({{suffix}}))')),
$nameExpr = $adapter->getConcatSql($concatenate);
$this->addExpressionAttributeToSelect('name', $nameExpr, $fields);
return $this;
In \app\code\core\Mage\Customer\Model\Customer.php
there is a method called getName()
that looks like this:
public function getName()
$name = '';
$config = Mage::getSingleton('eav/config');
if ($config->getAttribute('customer', 'prefix')->getIsVisible() && $this->getPrefix()) {
$name .= $this->getPrefix() . ' ';
$name .= $this->getFirstname();
if ($config->getAttribute('customer', 'middlename')->getIsVisible() && $this->getMiddlename()) {
$name .= ' ' . $this->getMiddlename();
$name .= ' ' . $this->getLastname();
if ($config->getAttribute('customer', 'suffix')->getIsVisible() && $this->getSuffix()) {
$name .= ' ' . $this->getSuffix();
return $name;
Change it by simply inversing getFirstname
with getLastname
To change this without modifying the core file, you can copy this file to the local
code pool, or create your own module and rewrite this method in it.