I am trying to run two Magento stores via same admin panel i have a magento installed at domain name/magento now as a first step i have go catalog->Manage Category and add two different root category for two different store and set Is Anchor to yesand Is Active to yes now i go to sytem->Manage Store and make other store name magento2 now i go to folder where my magento is installed and make the a folder name magento2 then copy the .htacess and index.phpfrom root folder to magento2 folder then edit the .htacces and index.php file then I have replace the following code
"$mageFilename = ‘app/Mage.php’;" with $mageFilename = ‘../app/Mage.php’; and in .htaccess file add the following line at the bottom SetEnvIf Host .*base.* MAGE_RUN_CODE="base"; SetEnvIf Host .*magento_site_2.* MAGE_RUN_TYPE="magento2";
now i go to system->configuration and the store view to magento2 then i go to genral->web and in base link url option under secure and unsecure tab add the following code
when i open the url www.mydomain.com/magento/magento2/
then page is displaying only blank page and also www.mydomain.com/magento url not working properly.
Products and categories page are not working. That pages are giving error page not found.
What should I do now? Any help or suggestions please give.
how to create different store view on same domain magento?
thank you.