I have a Magento installation in m.theseolounge.co.uk with English (default) and German store views. When the user select the German site I want to have the German view to display the URL marsdenweighing.de. I have change the Base URL in Magento, added a parked domain on my host and pointed the domain to my host. IN addition to this I have added the code below in the .htaccess file above the Rewrite On:

SetEnvIf Host www\.m\.theseolounge\.co\.uk MAGE_RUN_CODE=default
SetEnvIf Host www\.m\.theseolounge\.co\.uk MAGE_RUN_TYPE=website
SetEnvIf Host ^m\.theseolounge\.co\.uk MAGE_RUN_CODE=default
SetEnvIf Host ^m\.theseolounge\.co\.uk MAGE_RUN_TYPE=website
SetEnvIf Host www\.marsdenweighing\.de MAGE_RUN_CODE=german
SetEnvIf Host www\.marsdenweighing\.de MAGE_RUN_TYPE=store
SetEnvIf Host ^marsdenweighing\.de MAGE_RUN_CODE=german
SetEnvIf Host ^marsdenweighing\.de MAGE_RUN_TYPE=store

Still no luck If I select from http://m.theseolounge.co.uk the German store, I get redirected to http://marsdenweighing.de/german/?SID=34djak9idkc7jq98c63g2mg5b6&___from_store=default

Why is the /german/ appended to the URL and why "SID=34djak....? Any pointer?

1 Answer 1


Firstly the /german part of the url is the store code. This can be configured in the admin section under System->Config->General->Web->Url Options. After setting Add Store Code to Url to No you should no longer get these added.

Secondly the SID is the session id. Again this can be configured to show/not show via the admin section. Under System->Config->General->Web->Session validation settings there is the option for Use SID in frontend

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