My products have small descriptions and description attributes. A small description is a Tinymce field and a description is a pagebuilder.

When I edit a product, if I open the content section, here these 2 fields are visible, and when I try to save it I get the error "Page Builder was rendering for 5 seconds without releasing locks." on my console.

I did a search, and I found this Magento 2 Page Builder was rendering for 5 seconds without releasing locks I try it on vendor files and it solves my issue. So undo all the changes and extend the ui_component. But now my changes don't work and the error is always there.

The file that I want to change is: vendor/magento/module-page-builder/view/adminhtml/ui_component/pagebuilder_text_form.xml

I create a new file to extend this at: app/design/adminhtml/MY_FOLDER/MY_THEME/Magento_PageBuilder/ui_component/pagebuilder_text_form.xml

Do you know what I am doing wrong?

Do you have any suggestions to solve my issue?

Thank you in advance


1 Answer 1


Adobe published a patch fixing this problem.

You can see the patches to apply for different versions here.

For 2.4.7, you need to apply the patch ACSD-52041_2.4.6.patch

I published this same comment here

  • Hi @raumatbel, I am facing issue oh 2.4.6-p7 .. just would like to double confirm if this patch is compatible with the aforementioned version.
    – Adnan
    Commented Nov 11 at 19:03
  • hi @Adnan. Yes, in your case you can use the patch for the right version: github.com/magento/quality-patches/blob/…
    – raumatbel
    Commented Nov 13 at 5:32

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