I put this under i18n under my theme:
"View and Edit Cart","Afficher et modifier le panier",module,Magento_Checkout
also i can't get the translation
"You added %1 to your shopping cart.","Vous avez ajouté %1 à votre panier.",module,Magento_Wishlist
and i deleted pub/static and flush cache please help


2 Answers 2


i have find solution open below file and add below translation text


"View and edit cart","Afficher et modifier le panier"
"You added %1 to your shopping cart.","Vous avez ajouté %1 à votre panier."

after run below command :

rm -rf var/di/* var/generation/* var/cache/* var/log/* var/page_cache/* var/session/* var/view_preprocessed/* pub/static/*

re-run static-content:deploy

php bin/magento setup:static-content:deploy -f fr_FR


"View and Edit Cart","Afficher et modifier le panier",module,Magento_Checkout

"You added %1 to your shopping cart.","Vous avez ajouté %1 à votre panier.",module,Magento_Wishlist

Then, remove the pub/static content, var/view_preprocessed, then deploy the static content. you can execute the command below

rm -rf /pub/static/* && rm -rf /var/view_preprocessed/* && php bin/magento s:s:d -f

It should work, you can also translate them via the inline translate

Good luck.

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