Community Version 2.1.3.
Locale is set to en_GB (English United Kingdom). Using Luma theme.
I have my en_GB.csv translation file set up and my translation is in there:
"You have no items in your shopping cart.","You have no items in your shopping basket!"
When I go to the basket page (it's empty) I can see my translation fine! However when I hover over the minicart the overlay does not translate. It continues to say "You have no items in your shopping cart.".
I understand that I need a pub/static/frontend/[Theme]/default/en_GB/js-translation.json file with the translation in there too. But when I try a static deploy "bin/magento setup:static-content:deploy en_GB" it creates the file but it's empty.
I also believe there's a var/view_preprocessed/source/frontend/[Theme]/default/en_GB/js-translation.json too.
So what do I need to clear or flush or whatever to get this file populated?
Do I need to do something with a language pack maybe?
Thanks Tadhg