I'm relatively new to Magento and am currently using version

Out payment system providers (Adyen) have recently provided a new version of their extension with better security (on gitlab this version is designated adyen-magento-2.11.1.)

I'd like to install this new version but I'm concerned that if I do it wrong it will mess up the current version that is installed. I'm assuming that I'd have to log into SSH and use a composer update but I'm unsure about where to load the files and which command to use subsequently.

I cannot seem to find any instructions about how to update this version online.

  • do you have ftp ?
    – Pawan
    Commented Nov 14, 2018 at 17:11
  • Yes, I use Filezilla
    – CJNotts
    Commented Nov 15, 2018 at 10:18

1 Answer 1

  • Unzip the new version of extension
  • Check the files if they are added in correct order (app , skin , js)
  • cp -rf unzipedextension/* your-magento-root/ (in your terminal)
  • clean / flush cache. logout/login in admin .
  • Check , if it is upgraded ,

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