I have a Magento 2.2.4 store with the B2B extension installed.

I am looking to disable some of the emails for which you can set templates in

Stores > Configuration > Customers > Company Configuration

How can I add an admin setting to disable the sending of these emails like you see in the

Sales > Sales Emails settings

1 Answer 1


To disable certain B2B emails:

  1. Add a preference to your module's Vendor\Module\etc\di.xml file to extend the class responsible for sending B2B emails like:
    <preference for="Magento\Company\Model\Email\Sender" type="Vendor\Module\Model\Email\SenderOverride" />
  1. In Vendor\Module\Model\Email\SenderOverride, Override the function that sends the email like:
    public function sendAssignSuperUserNotificationEmail(CustomerInterface $customer, $companyId)
        // don't send email
        return $this;

If you desire to have this functionality controlled by an admin setting, then you will need to create the following files and lookup the setting in "Vendor\Module\Model\Email\SenderOverride"

  • Vendor\Module\etc\adminhtml\system.xml
  • Vendor\Module\etc\config.xml

Please reference the Adobe Experience League docs for more info on these files.

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