I want to upgrade cloud enterprise edition from 2.3.2-p2 to 2.4.2 but not getting proper steps so anyone can guide me for same.
1 Answer
You can check the following steps:
Step 1:
Take the DB backup. For doing this, you need to login Magento cloud server and run the following command:
vendor/bin/ece-tools db-dump
Step 2: Run the following command in your local machine where your project repository setup
composer require "magento/magento-cloud-metapackage":">=2.4.2 <2.4.3" --no-update
Step 3: Run the following command
composer update
Step 4:
bin/magento setup:upgrade
Step 5:
bin/magento setup:di:compile
Test all in your local and commit to Magento cloud. These commands are basic.