We are using Magento cloud environment for our project. There, we want to send a confirmation email when the customer get registered on our website.

So, I have done: Store -> Configuration -> Customers -> Customer Configuration -> Requires Email Confirmation -> Yes

Though, I have set the option to Yes, am not receiving any email when I register.

I have installed the Mageplaza SMTP extension and getting the test email without any issues.

So, I'm not sure, what could be the issue since its a default Magento config.

Any help will be appreciated!

  • Did you already checked the log from /var/log/mail.log ?
    – Arif Ahmad
    Commented Feb 20, 2020 at 13:48
  • You server mail service is enable Please check and conform Commented Feb 20, 2020 at 16:40

2 Answers 2


First check if email communication is disabled or not.

Store -> Configuration -> Advanced -> System -> Mail Sending Settings -> Disable Email Communications

should be no

After that you can check Mageplaza SMTP log if it exists and /var/log/mail.log


There can be plenty on reason why it doesn't work.

The main question is whether any other e-mails is sending correctly? Expect the test one? E.g confirmation of order? If so, then SMTP setting is correctly.

You should start with verify the Magento settings. What is important - check settings also in SCOPE VIEW, so for selected store. It can be override there.

I think the possible way it outdated e-mail template. Maybe your custom module override this e-mail template and has outdated syntax? You can override e-mail from admin panel level as well.

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