I migrated my Magento 2 test site to the actual site (which was already running Magento 2 with older data) and noticed, that everything seems to work - only "admin_adminkey" and "privacy-policy-cookie-restriction-mode" do not work. Product pages as well as cms pages seem to work without any issue. I also redirected non-existing page requests to "home" - so typing random stuff after / also gets me to home - as expected. This in term means, that "admin_adminkey" and "privacy-policy-cookie-restriction-mode" is treated "specially" because those are not redirected to "home" but just give a plain:
404 Not Found
The proxy_error_log shows:
2019/01/31 16:51:34 [error] 851#0: *15809 "/var/www/vhosts/mydomain.eu/httpdocs/privacy-policy-cookie-restriction-mode/index.html" is not found (2: No such file or directory), client: xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx, server: mydomain.eu, request: "GET /privacy-policy-cookie-restriction-mode/ HTTP/2.0", host: "www.mydomain.eu", referrer: "https://www.mydomain.eu/"
2019/01/31 16:52:36 [error] 851#0: *15809 "/var/www/vhosts/mydomain.eu/httpdocs/admin_mykey/index.html" is not found (2: No such file or directory), client: xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx, server: mydomain.eu, request: "GET /admin_mykey/ HTTP/2.0", host: "www.mydomain.eu"
The server is running Plesk 17 and the test-site, which is just living in a subdomain of the same domain works.
I tried re-deploying static files, runing upgrade, clearing cache per console as well as deleting all the var/cache, var/composer_home, var/page_cache, var/view_preprocessed and resetting all permissions per this post: Magento 2 folder/file permissions but this does not change my situation.
The migration process was:
- Dump source (new) MagentoDB, clear out target (old) MagentoDB.
- Populate target MagentoDB with said dump.
- Change the core_config_data table entries web/unsecure/base_url and web/secure/base_url to the new domain.
- Delete all target MagentoFiles.
- Copy all source MagentoFiles to the target directory (and make sure the hidden . files are copied as well).
- Change the credentials in app/etc/env.php
- Delete cache directories and clear cache per console.
This made the frontend look "ok" except the cookie info page and the admin backend was also not accessible. Afterwards I tried many things suggested out there - but as redirects are working and a Magento of the same version was running just before I transfered the data (just with less extensions and older data) I am at a loss on what to do next / how to debug this.
Any hints are appreciated! Thanks, Tamashii