I was recently trying to upgrade our Magento from 2.2.5 to Magento 2.2.7. I thought I succeeded but we're currently getting the following error:

There has been an error processing your request Exception printing is disabled by default for security reasons.

Error log record number: 335576744754

Having looked at this var log I can see the following message:

{"0":"Please update your modules: Run \"composer install\" from the Magento root directory.\nThe following modules are outdated:\nAmazon_Core db schema version: defined in codebase - 2.1.2, currently installed - 2.2.7\nAmazon_Core db data version: defined in codebase - 2.1.2, currently installed - 2.2.7\nAmazon_Login db schema version: defined in codebase - 2.1.1, currently installed - 2.2.7\nAmazon_Login db data version: defined in codebase - 2.1.1, currently installed - 2.2.7\nAmazon_Payment db schema version: defined in codebase - 2.1.1, currently installed - 2.2.7\nAmazon_Payment db data version: defined in codebase - 2.1.1, currently installed - 2.2.7\nKlarna_Core db schema version: defined in codebase - 4.5.2, currently installed - 4.5.6\nKlarna_Core db data version: defined in codebase - 4.5.2, currently installed - 4.5.6\nKlarna_Ordermanagement db schema version: defined in codebase - 4.4.1, currently installed - 4.4.2\nKlarna_Ordermanagement db data version: defined in codebase - 4.4.1, currently installed - 4.4.2\nKlarna_Kp db schema version: defined in codebase - 5.5.1, currently installed - 5.5.4\nKlarna_Kp db data version: defined in codebase - 5.5.1, currently installed - 5.5.4","1":"#0 /var/www/vhosts/mysite.com/httpdocs/vendor/magento/framework/Interception/Interceptor.php(121): Magento\Framework\Module\Plugin\DbStatusValidator->beforeDispatch(Object(Magento\Framework\App\FrontController\Interceptor), Object(Magento\Framework\App\Request\Http))\n#1 /var/www/vhosts/mysite.com/httpdocs/app/code/Infortis/Cgen/Plugin/Magento/Framework/App/FrontController.php(32): Magento\Framework\App\FrontController\Interceptor->Magento\Framework\Interception\{closure}(Object(Magento\Framework\App\Request\Http))\n#2 /var/www/vhosts/mysite.com/httpdocs/vendor/magento/framework/Interception/Interceptor.php(135): Infortis\Cgen\Plugin\Magento\Framework\App\FrontController->aroundDispatch(Object(Magento\Framework\App\FrontController\Interceptor), Object(Closure), Object(Magento\Framework\App\Request\Http))\n#3 /var/www/vhosts/mysite.com/httpdocs/vendor/magento/framework/Interception/Interceptor.php(153): Magento\Framework\App\FrontController\Interceptor->Magento\Framework\Interception\{closure}(Object(Magento\Framework\App\Request\Http))\n#4 /var/www/vhosts/mysite.com/httpdocs/generated/code/Magento/Framework/App/FrontController/Interceptor.php(26): Magento\Framework\App\FrontController\Interceptor->___callPlugins('dispatch', Array, Array)\n#5 /var/www/vhosts/mysite.com/httpdocs/vendor/magento/framework/App/Http.php(135): Magento\Framework\App\FrontController\Interceptor->dispatch(Object(Magento\Framework\App\Request\Http))\n#6 /var/www/vhosts/mysite.com/httpdocs/generated/code/Magento/Framework/App/Http/Interceptor.php(24): Magento\Framework\App\Http->launch()\n#7 /var/www/vhosts/mysite.com/httpdocs/vendor/magento/framework/App/Bootstrap.php(257): Magento\Framework\App\Http\Interceptor->launch()\n#8 /var/www/vhosts/mysite.com/httpdocs/index.php(39): Magento\Framework\App\Bootstrap->run(Object(Magento\Framework\App\Http\Interceptor))\n#9 {main}","url":"/admin_adminname/","script_name":"/index.php"}

I've logged into SSH and tried to run "Composer install" but it says there is nothing to update.

I've tried numerous other commands including:

 php bin/magento setup:upgrade
 bin/magento cache:clean
 php -f bin/magento setup:static-content:deploy

Having looked in the "setup_module" table I can see that the versions in the table do not correspond with the versions in module manager as evidenced in the screenshot below


I could really use some advice if anyone knows how to resolve this

2 Answers 2


An easy solution to this, although it may not be conventional is to go to your websites database and find the setup_module table.

Find the modules that are causing the problems in the module column and change the schema_version and data_version columns appropriately.

Hope this helps.

You could also try having a look at your json.lock file, and changing the versions to what they should be and then deleting these modules and running composer install

  • Hi. Thanks. I'll look into that. I've uploaded a backup for now but obviously this is going to be an issue in the future. I'll continue to look into it.
    – CJNotts
    Commented Jan 2, 2019 at 16:20
  • 1
    Hi. Tried to update again. Same thing happened but changing these values in the database seems to have fixed it. Thanks again for posting this solution.
    – CJNotts
    Commented Jan 4, 2019 at 10:37

Your error message says your codebase is behind your database recorded version.

The following modules are outdated:\nAmazon_Core db schema version: defined in codebase - 2.1.2, currently installed - 2.2.7\nAmazon_Core db data version: defined in 

to remove the error, you need to tell your database that your versions are much earlier than this: In this case, do get n98-magerun2 script (from here)

and run n98-magerun2.phar sys:setup:downgrade-versions

Now, my worries is that your database was updated at a time you had another codebase and maybe there is another underlying issue.. but for now, the above should sort you out.

  • Hi. Thank you for replying but I'm afraid that this has not resolved the problem.
    – CJNotts
    Commented Jan 2, 2019 at 15:11

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