I want that when a new customer is registered on the my magento site, the admin was notified by email of the new customer registration. Tell us how to do it better? Thanks
3 Answers
You can create an observer on the customer_register_success
Then access the customer object in your model:
public function my_cool_function($observer)
$customer = $observer->getEvent()->getCustomer();
//Do whatever you want here
And here is some reading about how to create an email template and programmatically send it: http://inchoo.net/ecommerce/magento/magento-custom-emails/
Without observer possible? because strangely enough, in other CMS notification administrator has new default about user/customers why no in Magento? Commented Jun 28, 2014 at 9:09
The customer activation module from Vinai not only has this functionality but also allows you to specify the template used when emailing the admin user on customer registration.
It has a nice admin interface and can be set up on a store level.
In the background is uses the event customer_save_after
but i need notification administrator when new customer register, activation in my store will be in manually, possible to use the module for my requirements? Commented Jun 28, 2014 at 12:21
Even though this will probably do the job, I would really not advise installing an extension for such a small feature. It literally takes a few lines of codes to implement what you are looking for. Commented Jun 30, 2014 at 21:05
If you are using Magento 2 and want to stay informed about all the events in your store, you can try this extension by Magenest:http://store.magenest.com/magento-2-admin-email-notification.html
It cover a lots of key events like new registration, new order, new review... The email you receive will also contain basic information about the event. Here is a template email when a customer register to your store:
Feel free to have a look there (it is compatible with 2.1 too!).