so I'm attempting to run a migration from Magento to Magento 2.2.5

I've installed the Migration Tool, made all the necessary changes to the config.xml file, and have tried to start the process but I get..

  Invalid config filename: /vendor/magento/data-migration-tool/etc/opensource- 

This is what I'm attempting to run...

php bin/magento migrate:settings --reset /vendor/magento/data-migration- 

I've double checked and validated the config.xml and the connected config.xsd files and it flags up an error with the .xsd file...

InvalidRegex: Pattern value '[-/A-Za-z0-9\._]+\.(xml|dist)' is not a valid 
regular expression. The reported error was: ''-' is an invalid character 
range. Write 

I'm not entirely sure what to do here. Others make mention of this but I can't find a specific solution. I've never actually edited the .xsd file, so find this issue puzzling.

HEre is my config file

<steps mode="settings">
    <step title="Settings Step">
    <step title="Stores Step">
<steps mode="data">
    <step title="Data Integrity Step">
    <step title="EAV Step">
    <step title="Customer Attributes Step">
    <step title="Map Step">
    <step title="Url Rewrite Step">
    <step title="Log Step">
    <step title="Ratings Step">
    <step title="ConfigurablePrices step">
    <step title="OrderGrids Step">
    <step title="Tier Price Step">
    <step title="SalesIncrement Step">
    <step title="PostProcessing Step">
<steps mode="delta">
    <step title="Customer Attributes Step">
    <step title="Map Step">
    <step title="Log Step">
    <step title="OrderGrids Step">
    <step title="SalesIncrement Step">
    <database host="localhost" name="x" user="x" password="x" />
    <database host="localhost" name="x" user="x" password="x"/>
    In case bulk_size=0 it will be auto-detected for every document.
    Set direct_document_copy = 1 for better performance.
    NOTE: 'source' and 'destination' databases MUST be placed on the same MySQL instance
    and 'destination' user MUST be granted with 'SELECT' permissions on 'source' database
    <progress_bar_format>%percent%% [%bar%] Remaining Time: %remaining%</progress_bar_format>
    <init_statements_source>SET NAMES utf8;</init_statements_source>
    <init_statements_destination>SET NAMES utf8;</init_statements_destination>

Many thanks.

2 Answers 2


Check in your config.xml file

















    In case bulk_size=0 it will be auto-detected for every document.
    Set direct_document_copy = 1 for better performance.
    NOTE: 'source' and 'destination' databases MUST be placed on the same MySQL instance
    and 'destination' user MUST be granted with 'SELECT' permissions on 'source' database
    <progress_bar_format>%percent%% [%bar%] Remaining Time: %remaining%</progress_bar_format>
    <init_statements_source>SET NAMES utf8;</init_statements_source>
    <init_statements_destination>SET NAMES utf8;</init_statements_destination>

Make all extension with .xml and remove .xml.dst All file exists here \vendor\magento\data-migration-tool\etc\opensource-to-opensource

  • Thanks - yes I had done all that. I didn't remove the .dist files though. I just copied and renamed. Commented Jul 9, 2018 at 9:51
  • Have you added source and destination and also <source_prefix></source_prefix> <dest_prefix></dest_prefix> in your config.xml file? Commented Jul 9, 2018 at 9:55
  • In your code why below code repeated? 1) <source_prefix>mg_</source_prefix> <dest_prefix></dest_prefix> <crypt_key>x</crypt_key> 2) <source_prefix /> <dest_prefix /> <crypt_key /> Commented Jul 9, 2018 at 10:09
  • Thanks, but that makes no difference. The error remains. Commented Jul 9, 2018 at 12:30
  • Please refer github.com/magento/data-migration-tool/issues/503 May this can help you Commented Jul 9, 2018 at 13:01

It was an issue with the file structure in my original php request.

I was running from within my public_html folder (cd public_html), jumping up a level seemed to have made the difference.

php public_html/bin/magento migrate:settings --reset public_html/vendor/magento/data-migration- tool/etc/opensource-to-opensource/

All fixed.

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