I have to modify mega menu extension in Magento 1.9. Currently, its showing static block at bottom of category.
I want to separate static block identifier name based on some symbol like _
in my custom block code function.
In one of the block folder file below code is written.
const CUSTOM_BLOCK_TEMPLATE = "wp_custom_menu_%d";
$blockId = sprintf(self::CUSTOM_BLOCK_TEMPLATE, $id);
$collection = Mage::getModel('cms/block')->getCollection()
->addFieldToFilter('identifier', array(array('like' => $blockId . '_w%'), array('eq' => $blockId)))
->addFieldToFilter('is_active', 1);
$blockId = $collection->getFirstItem()->getIdentifier();
Static block identifier is suggested to be named as wp_custom_menu_HereCatID
What i want is to achieve the name of static block identifer as something like this wp_custom_menu_HereCatId_Right
for Right and wp_custom_menu_HereCatId_Bottom
for Bottom position
I can use explode, but i want to learn in Magento way as done above.