I have already looked at the following post magento checkout change TAX to VAT I've done this part: You can change this by going into you Magento Admin. From there go Sales -> Tax -> Manage Tax Rules. Then rename the name of your Tax Rules from "Tax" to "VAT"
I've also done a Search in All the Themes in app\design\frontend\ For 'TAX' _('TAX') and every conceivable search for TAX and manged to change the following URL /checkout/cart/:
Total Excl. VAT £83.33
Tax £16.67
Total Incl. VAT £100.00
The part in bold I can't seem to alter no matter what I can't find where to change it???
in app\design\frontend\base\default\template\tax\checkout\grandtotal.phtml
line 40 is this bit of code
<?php echo $this->renderTotals('taxes', $this->getColspan()); ?>
This is the part what displays it, but not sure which file, database table it is pulling from, If anyone knows it would be much appreciated.