I have disabled all of the Magento extensions from System > Configuration > Advanced. Now I can't see anything in the Configuration tab. I have attached the screenshot below:
What is the issue? How I can solve this?
I have disabled all of the Magento extensions from System > Configuration > Advanced. Now I can't see anything in the Configuration tab. I have attached the screenshot below:
What is the issue? How I can solve this?
You should enable the modules again, i guess you disabled some needed modules.
Go to your database and execute:
SELECT * FROM `core_config_data` WHERE `path` LIKE '%advanced/modules_disable_output%'
This will show you where the output is disabled (value = 1). Make sure that the value for advanced/modules_disable_output/Mage_Admin is 0. Clean your cache afterwards.
If that doesn't work try to enable more modules until it works again
Go to ‘/app/etc/’ directory and open the file ‘local.xml’. 1 Here you can see all the data u need: see host, username, password and the dbname nodes in the xml structure.