Searched to forums for hours, non of the answers works for me.

My setup:

  • I have a php file that maps the store URL's to the correct store views (type = store)
  • Each language (store view) is a subdirectory of it's language code. Subdirectories exists with the index.php file using the url mapper php file. .htaccess logic is done with nginx:

location ~ ^/(?(nl|de|fr|en)) { rewrite / /$uri_prefix/index.php break; echo_exec @phpfpm; }

  • Most of the product attributes are set to "use default value" except for some text attributes that need to be translated. (description, name etc)

Everything works fine (pages / categories etc) except for the fact that no products show up anywhere. I first thought that is was a redirect problem but again, category pages etc. show up correctly for each view.

Product attributes checked and correct:

  • Status: All enabled correctly (store views: use default)
  • Visibility: Config products: Catalog, Search & Single products: not visible
  • Category: Config products attached correctly
  • Website: All good (both config and single)
  • Inventory: All around 100+ (nog actually used)
  • IsInStock: All ok!

I'm out of ideas... if anyone has one, please let me know!

1 Answer 1


It was a DB problem.
When moving a DB the default customer group ID (0) was changed.

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