I have multiple store views in my Magento, each one with a different language. All stores have the same products, but each store view has a different product name for that language. Is it possible to set a default store view for the admin?

For example: If someone places an order from the Spanish store view, I would like to go to Sales > Orders, open that order and see the products in English instead of Spanish.


1 Answer 1


Product name is stored in DB with order item details in table sales_flat_order_item when order generated.

The name will get from the storeview from which user orders. So it's not available by default.

You have to do customization for this Like :

In file app/design/adminhtml/default/default/template/sales/items/column/name.phtml the order product name is coming from order item.

Instead of that you have to load that product with the help of product_id and get and show name from product directly instead of order.


<h5 class="title"><span id="order_item_<?php echo $_item->getId() ?>_title"><?php echo $this->escapeHtml($_item->getName()) ?></span></h5>

Replace with :

<?php $p = Mage::getModel('catalog/product')->load($_item->getProductId());?>
<h5 class="title"><span id="order_item_<?php echo $_item->getId() ?>_title"><?php echo $this->escapeHtml($p->getName()) ?></span></h5>

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