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mprototype's user avatar
mprototype's user avatar
  • Member for 11 years, 10 months
  • Last seen more than 5 years ago
7 votes

Is Magento CE compatible with MySQL 5.5 and PHP 5.3.28?

4 votes

Where can I find a complete list of Magento events?

3 votes

Version Control for Module Development

3 votes

Can I edit an Order and keep the payment information?

2 votes

Cant create a custom category attribute in admin

2 votes

Issue with displaying the cart totals

2 votes

Flushing REDIS Cache

2 votes

Why Payment Data is copied from Quote to Order when reordering via Admin?

1 vote

Can anybody explain me about following code?

1 vote

Magento Marketplace Popularity score

1 vote

Why does Magento redirect back to the backend dashboard but not ask to login

1 vote

Send email notification whenever people subscribed to recurring subscription product

1 vote

Magento renaming images

1 vote

Can't share data across modules with Mage::getSingleton

1 vote

Does Paypal Express not dispatch checkout_submit_all_after event? If so how can I make it do it?

1 vote

Add to Cart from the Quote page not working

1 vote

Magento certification versions?

1 vote

How to unserialize data from Sales_Flat_Order_Payment (additional_information) column to display in custom Grid?

1 vote

Why prototype.js causing jquery slider to not working in ie 9 and ie8?

1 vote

How to get category thumbnails in navbar menus?

1 vote

Magento CE PCI Compliance

1 vote

What would cause Catalog Rewrites Indexer to need refreshed immediately after it completes?

0 votes

What is the best way to setup SSL certificates on a Multi Store installation?

0 votes

Creating Attribute set is taking time because of "initFromSkeleton"

0 votes

What is best practice for a sceduled product import from csv files?

0 votes

Images disappear after import thru Magmi on Magento 1.9.1

0 votes

Can you create a coupon code for collecting taxes only during checkout?