2 votes

load product grid ui component

Please replace listing name in whole file product_listing to your listing file name modulename_productgrid_listing example: <argument name="data" xsi:type="array"> <item name="...
Rutvee Sojitra's user avatar
2 votes

How to show data in grid based on url parameter in magento 2 custom form?

I get your problem, You want to add a grid that loads the data of Faq by the Faq_category_id in the Faq Category. Correct me if I am wrong! if I am getting you right! You are trying to get the param ...
Nilay Patel's user avatar
2 votes

How to show data in grid based on url parameter in magento 2 custom form?

Hello Mujahidh you can replace your DataProvider file code with below code and try <?php namespace Ayakil\Faq\Ui\Component\Listing\Faq; use Ayakil\Faq\Model\ResourceModel\Faq\CollectionFactory; ...
Rahil Shaikh's user avatar
1 vote

Magento 2: How to send ID of checked insertListing grid to save data controller

To answer to your question, I will describe how the category backend form handles the problem you are trying to resolve. I am confident if each part of the description I make below are clear with you, ...
Herve Tribouilloy's user avatar

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