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Questions tagged [slowbackend]

9 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
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Magento 2.3 Extremely Slow - Multiple PHP Processes

As to replicate pretty much as the poster in this thread - Magento 2.2 often extremely slow, 100% processor usage after setup:upgrade I have now had to restore a Magento from overnight backup 3 times ...
Daniel Bates's user avatar
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2 answers

Magento 2 Slow import when 900 attribute options

We have a store with 35000 sku and there are 950 attribute options - We find that when making any updates to products like price or qty or any other changes it is very very slow - like 5 mins if ...
nem3943's user avatar
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Backend category tree slow - manage categories

Recently i have imported a good number of categories. But now whenever i go to the manage categories in the backend panel, it loads the page extremely slow. It takes about 20-30 seconds to load the ...
ElFietsbel's user avatar
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Magento 2 Controller response very slow

I've written an ajax call to get some user specific content. But I found that the response of the ajax call is very slow. Indeed, I found that this is due to the slow response of the controller class. ...
Ricky.C's user avatar
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Login to admin pending forever with Valet+

I'm using Valet+ on MacOS and have tweaked the Nginx and PHP configs to increase execution time etc. Doing a fresh install, the frontend will load, slow at first, but fast after subsequent reloads, ...
Paul Canning's user avatar
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Magento 2 gradually slows down throughout the day

I am using Magento 2.3.1 and gradually throughout a day our website will slow way down on a specific browser. If we switch browsers or computers it will be working fine again, but after some time it ...
Josiah's user avatar
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Magento 2 Running Ridiculously Slow - Best Fix?

I need advice on the best way to approach this. The site is loading pages in 30 seconds, sometimes 1 minute. This will kill my traffic if it's rolled live. Hosting said: I ran an strace on one of ...
Jamie Irwin's user avatar
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In developer mode why Magento is slow?

I am new to Magento and willing to make frontend theme in Magento. but it is so slow. It takes 2-3 mins to load every page. This is wasting so much time. can any one help me out. I have tried many ...
Maryam Tariq's user avatar
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Why my Magento 1.9 admin panel is too slow, Take more than a min after click on any button

I am facing the problem in my magento website, My magento admin panel is too slow. When I click on any menu tab like orders, add new product etc, it take more than a minute to open that page. And ...
Harris arshad Yaas-Harris's user avatar