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1 answer

How to save products in bulk using API?

I am new bee in API development and need to save bulk products in my Magento using API. Do I need to create custom API module or is there any default API to save the products in magneto2? What are the ...
Nimita Patel's user avatar
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Magento 2: How To Create Product Progamatically Using Custom Rest API

I need to create a product using a custom Rest API. (this is my first time working on API). So to check API whether it's working or not I wrote the code below, API is working, now I need to give ...
Partab Saifuddin Zakir's user avatar
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Magento 2 REST API filter products in stock

I am looking for an API filter to get in stock products but I could not find any option on the internet. Any ideas ? Maybe some plugin code ? Thanks !
Gustavo Ulyssea's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Magento 2 API for product add to compare and compare list

There is any way to get API for product add to compare and get compare list for customer. Thanks
Feedlay Technologies's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

Why Magento is not giving final price in rest api?

I have recently try to get product final price via rest api. You can check special_price is already active and it will 20 but of price are coming 45 it will be 20. API URL : http://magento.local/...
Himanshu's user avatar
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Magento 2 : Unable to create product on magento 2 store using rest api

{message: "Consumer is not authorized to access %resources",…} message : "Consumer is not authorized to access %resources" parameters : {resources: "Magento_Catalog::products"} resources : "...
Sagar Patel's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

Rest api for my orders

Where can i find the rest api for my orders and my downloadable products in magento2. I can't find the list in the swagger file. eg: GET /orders/me GET /downloadableproducts/me Or how can i filter ...
stackdisplay's user avatar
5 votes
1 answer

Add multiple products to cart using Magento2 REST API using custom method

Add multiple products to cart using Magento2 REST API using custom method Their is no default magento api this is single product add to cart json code in rest api body section. { "cartItem": { ...
Nagendra Kodi's user avatar
1 vote
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Magento2 Get website_ids in product get api

Magento2 get website_ids in product get api means product is assigned to which websites. This is issue generated in github: , but there still not any ...
Feedlay Technologies's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Get all products with a specific attribute code with REST API in Magento 2

Is there is a built in rest API to get ALL products with a specific attribute_code ex. this API returns .. <item> <...
Jsparo30's user avatar
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5 votes
2 answers

Update product using rest api in magento 2

First thing I would like to share is that I am very new to magento. I am working on addition of products using rest api. I tried one product and it was created. $headers = array('Authorization=> ...
Md Jawed Shamshedi's user avatar
7 votes
2 answers

Magento 2 Update a product name using Rest API

I got to update weight, qty, price and others field, but when I update the product name, on catalog list (admin) the product change the name, but when I enter on edit view, the product continue with ...
Renan Cuoghi's user avatar
6 votes
4 answers

How to add product in Magento using REST API?

I want to add a product using the REST API in Magento 2. How can I achieve this?
Manish's user avatar
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REST API create simple product

I am doing an integration with our other systems where I am trying to create a simple product (for now) in Magento 2.0.0 (will update soon but in the middle of this) using a rest call. I have tried ...
Patrik Lundgren's user avatar
6 votes
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Get multiple product images using REST API

I'm requesting products list using the following API call GET /V1/products
emp's user avatar
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How do I retrieve a product using either the REST or SOAP APIs?

An external utility needs to retrieve products from Magento by SKU--either one at a time or in batches, ideally returning the product with all attribute values, photo URLs, categories, etc. So far I ...
STW's user avatar
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Invalid webservice adapter specified REST API

I have configured the rest api in my localhost magento. When I Hit this url, http://localhost/magento/api/rest/products The error is: Invalid webservice adapter specified.
Sundar's user avatar
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Need resource to configure my magento REST Apis

I am here to know the step by step configuration of magento RESTful apis. I have basic idea of how it works. But Still I dont know to configure the api to produce the results. Help me to configure it ...
Sundar's user avatar
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Magento Product REST API for configurable and grouped products

I can not find the REST API documentation for creating a configurable product over the REST API from Magento I also can not find the documentation for relating simple products with a product over ...
brentwpeterson's user avatar
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REST API enabled products not displaying on front-end

When loading products via REST API(Oauth) they don't display on the front-end. The status is enabled(1) en inventory(stock_data) is set correct. We have to manually change status per product and save ...
webzznl's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

How to get a Product ID after a product post via REST api to update product category

I want to insert products from a csv-file into the Magento DB via the REST API. First I try to update one single product. The product is inserted into the db but this product needs to be assigned to ...
Stephan van der Leij's user avatar