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Magento 2.2.6 : Shipment creation using REST API

Unable to create shipment in Magento 2.2.6 I am using the following source code like this in postman { "entity" : { "order_id" : 70, "items" : [{ "order_item_id" ...
shivashankar m's user avatar
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Payment information API returns 400 error

Link I tried to send the next json: { "cartId": "ddukH6HL2TlFsm9WkJmOkMDSqmkiUfbW", ...
Ashen One's user avatar
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Disabling payment method for frontend, but not API

I'm trying to only allow the "checkmo" payment method to be used when an order is placed through the API, but not available for a customer on the frontend to choose. Ive tried creating a plugin that ...
BigDaddyL's user avatar
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Add No-Required params to custom REST API

I made a custom REST API on Magento 2. I want some params to be required and other to be no required or accept null. I have the next code: Api/Order/ShippingInterface /** * API00004. Envío de ...
Eliacim DAVILA - CENSERE's user avatar
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Knowing "simple" products are related via REST API

I am doing a search via the REST API, looking for products with a certain color and a certain name:[filter_groups][0][filters][0][field]=...
John Farrelly's user avatar
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Does the REST API still accept XML?

quick broad question. Does the REST API in Magento 2 still accept XML input? According to the introduction, it does. But further on in the documentation, there is no mention. I have been able to ...
Erik Ros's user avatar
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REST API Access Token Issues

I am trying to use the Magento REST API for a client to get details of customers, and orders, etc. I have setup a REST Consumer and I am trying to obtain an oauth access token and having issues. I ...
Wayne's user avatar
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Magento 2 RESTful API update category

I am using Magento 2.0.11. I would like to use the RESTful API (HTTP:// magento2URL/index.php/rest/V1/categories/(category ID)) to change the "Is Active" attribute of one category from True to ...
mzzhmh's user avatar
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Magento2 Get website_ids in product get api

Magento2 get website_ids in product get api means product is assigned to which websites. This is issue generated in github: , but there still not any ...
Feedlay Technologies's user avatar
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Magento 2.1.5 : Reviews REST API

I looked for reviews REST API and I found this link: I tried to add review via it using : POST
Jsparo30's user avatar
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Is possible to create REST API with Basic Auth?

I've created REST API in Magento2 but everyone can use it. How can I add basic auth to my API?
Wojciech Ka's user avatar
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Creating an API to communicate directly with Magento DB

We have been using the Magento Rest API to communicate between external systems and Magento. Painfully, we have discovered that the REST API does not scale well. Specifically, often times requests ...
dipole_moment's user avatar
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Get all products with a specific attribute code with REST API in Magento 2

Is there is a built in rest API to get ALL products with a specific attribute_code ex. this API returns .. <item> <...
Jsparo30's user avatar
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Get orders REST API problem

I am trying to get orders for a specific customer through API: GET on and header parameter is Authorization Bearer x1v9pvmag5rvkb0vgekpdtwri6ak1pxh ...
Jsparo30's user avatar
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Magento 2.2 REST API Add Item to cart issue

i have an issue with Magento ver. 2.2.0-dev i'm trying to create a cart and insert a product for a logged user, with the magento 2 rest api, but when i try to insert a product into the cart (already ...
FreshHaze's user avatar
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Get Customer Login into Magento1.9.x mobile app using REST api

I have a magento website and I am trying to make a android app for it. I have configured the oauth authentication to consume magento rest api and also tested it with postman. Till now everything is ...
Asheem Patro's user avatar
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Limit REST API access to specific store view

I am looking for a way to limit the access for specific REST users/roles to specific stores. I am aware that I can pass a /store/storeid parameter for a GET products call, but I can´t use that with ...
flomei's user avatar
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REST Api Products response not showing extension attributes

I am making following REST API call to get product list, response for this API has extension_attributes tag, but in response these tags are missing. V1/products?searchCriteria[filter_groups][0][...
harshraj28's user avatar
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Magento 2 Customer Api Custom Attribute

I have added a custom attribute say child_first_name to customer entity. When I try to access through rest API, I can able to get the attribute in the result- snip.. { "custom_attributes": [ ...
blakcaps's user avatar
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How to create complex search filters while doing a GET on sales orders through Magento 2 REST API?

I have 12 sales orders which have "store_id" = 1. Out of which 3 orders have "status" = "pending" I get all the 12 orders when I make a GET request to http://mystore/index.php/rest/V1/orders?...
Karan Bhomia's user avatar
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How to create oauth_signature for OAuth-based authentication using Magento 2.0 REST API

How do I create an oauth_signature for OAuth-based authentication in Magento 2.0 REST API requests? Assuming I use PHP's hash_hmac: hash_hmac ( 'sha1' , $string , 'Integrations-Consumer-Secret' ); I'...
GuyC's user avatar
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How to create REST API in Magento 2?

i'm new to Magento 2, i am assigned to create a HTML search form which take input as a CustomerID and return the Customer info associated with that CustomerID, using oAuth and REST API. I have no ...
Luan Tran's user avatar
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Need resource to configure my magento REST Apis

I am here to know the step by step configuration of magento RESTful apis. I have basic idea of how it works. But Still I dont know to configure the api to produce the results. Help me to configure it ...
Sundar's user avatar
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Magento Product REST API for configurable and grouped products

I can not find the REST API documentation for creating a configurable product over the REST API from Magento I also can not find the documentation for relating simple products with a product over ...
brentwpeterson's user avatar
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Extending Magento REST API V2 breaks existing API

I am trying to extend the Magento CE (version REST API V2 for orders. I want to customize the original order query so that the response includes an additional attribute "multifees". ...
Saul Karl's user avatar
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How to return a response from _create api rest method

By default this method returns an empty JSON , i want to how to return some response such as "correct" or "fail" , for example
MaynorSong's user avatar
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Magento2.4.4p4 REST API Error 'Class string does not exist'

I had this issue during when I create a custom Rest API in fresh magento 2.4.4p4 As you can see the error I get is Class string does not exist Below are my code folder structure, which I found to be ...
Mohd Farhan Bin Ramli's user avatar
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Magento 2 Overriding or Extending Core Interfaces in custom module without use of extension attribute

I am trying to add a new getter and setter to \Magento\Catalog\Api\DataCategoryTreeInterface
katariya vipul's user avatar
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Magento2.4.4 Place order using stripe payment method through REST API

From stripe sdk I am able to create payment id successfully but when call api to create order in magento2 then getting authentication error. I am calling below API http://localhost/xxx/rest/default/...
Pradeep Singh's user avatar
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how i can retrieve Minimum Amount in magento 2 using REST API?

Dears I am using Magento ver. 2.2.7 as backend for my app, i want to get "Minimum Amount" for orders when my users review them bascket. So i am looking for API to retrieve value of "...
fadl shareef's user avatar
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Magento 2 - Create order using REST API - Third Party Payment Gateway such as Paypal or other 3rd party payment gateway

I need to use the Magento REST API to create an order from an API. In my case, I am trying to implement the payment directly using API to Magento. What I need to do is to create an order by setting ...
SIDDHANT JAIN's user avatar
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Call 3rd party rest api with basic auth username and password

I am calling 3rd party API in my postman I have choose Authorization as basic auth and passing username and password. I am using Zend Client in magento 2 to send request now bt I set headers like this ...
Jaymin's user avatar
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Magento 2: how endpoints (REST) to get data from database

How endpoints <host>/rest/<store_code>/V1/carts/mine/estimate-shipping-method to get data from a database or mention function or class that helps this API to get data from the database? ...
Yoanes Ricard's user avatar
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magento 2 api. create product with multiple colours and sizes with different image and stock for each variant

I am a noob to the Magento ecosystem. I have read the documentation for the Magento 2 api and understand that I have to create a configurable product but I am not understanding the flow for creating a ...
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REST API: Setting Item Quantity / Need to Get Current Reserved Quantity of an item

Working on using the Magento 2.3 Rest API to set the Quantity of an item available based on a separate datastore. I realize that the formula for getting the Total Salable quantity is based on the ...
KeithRStolte's user avatar
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Magento 2.3.2 Category API returns null attributes for the entire tree

When I am trying to call the REST API for generating the Category tree, it shows null values for the entire attribute except id and parent_id URL: rest/all/V1/categories Version: Magento Commerce 2.3....
MGento's user avatar
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Add comments to an order

So when I look online, it looks super simple... Even the swagger docs show it to be simple, but I've tried 2 different Magento sites now (different versions) and the API simply doesn't work... Order ...
Toby Lockyer's user avatar
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Create a custom API to get all details of a product magento2

I want to create a custom API to get all of the information of a product including stock details and order details. I checked the existing product APIs but to get all of the information, need to run ...
SharmaV's user avatar
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Magento2 How to get parent product(configurable) by child product using REST API

How to get parent product(Configurable) by child product(Simple) sku or id using REST API? I can't find in this list: plz help me..
JHY's user avatar
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When creating products with POST, images Roles are not enabled (base/small/thumb/swatch), even after a following PUT

When I add a product via the Magento 2 API and then add an image, the image is added and shows up under the "Images and Videos" tab, associated with the correct product. However, none of the Image ...
Ryan Shenk's user avatar
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Restrict access to Customer API Magento 2

My website is getting 300+ spam users for a day, On checking it seems to be from Customer API which Magento provides. How can I stop this users, Is there any way that I can restrict the customer ...
fernandus's user avatar
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Create customer with default addresses via API

Is it possible to create customer via API and set default billing and shipping address at once ? I know that in customerCustomerRepositoryV1 and customerAccountManagementV1 are fields like ...
Konrad Siamro's user avatar
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Any examples on how to use requisition_lists API Endpoint?

ORIGINAL POST Trying to use the save requisition list REST API endpoint. The API docs are not very clear on what the values should be and currently don't have access to the B2B module code to see ...
Henry Nitz's user avatar
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Use different domaine for Admin and Front

How can we use different domaine for the Front and the admin section. If I'm changing the domaine on the base URL of the store config, I'm getting a 404 because there's no admin on this domaine. I've ...
maru3l's user avatar
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Magento 2 REST API get order rows

Hi I have an issue with getting data about items in order, my order contain 1 row (one item) but in JSON I have 2 duplicated items with the same SKU but one with product_type=configurable and other ...
Yezzy Sarl's user avatar
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Magento 2 : how to add additional information in rest API response?

I have one custom table 'vendor_info' with 5 fields and I want to add this table data along with this API
Hiren's user avatar
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Magento 2 calling External API

How do I call an External API in Magento 2? And what file/folder do I do it in?
Adam Scott's user avatar
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How to make checkout a static block / have identifier like static blocks or pages?

Can I make magento checkout to have an identifier/ID like static blocks and pages? What's the best practice or solution to do this? I'm currently calling out magento pages / static blocks through ...
decntdefalt's user avatar
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How to create REST API for customer profile update?

Since, I have worked with magento get method api calls but yet didn't work on post or put method. I am trying to update customers to update their profile in mobile app. public function update($id){ ...
Ramesh KR's user avatar
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Magento 2 How to add custom attribute to Quote Item Rest API

I want to add custom attribute to >http://{{magento2}}/rest/V1/carts/mine/totals API response. I have done follwing way but it not working. >extension_attributes.xml <config xmlns:xsi="http:/...
Niranjan Gondaliya's user avatar

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