I have a grid for my admin module and it works fine, but I now would like to add more data onto that grid, but the additional data is held in a second table in my database.
To display this additional data I have tried
protected function _prepareCollection()
$collection = Mage::getModel('modulename/modelname')->getCollection();
$collection->join(array('table2' => 'table1'), 'table1_id = table2_id', 'unsubscribed');//additional line
return parent::_prepareCollection();
protected function _prepareColumns()
$this->addColumn('table1_id', array(
'header' => $this->__('ID'),
'align' => 'left',
'width' => '50px',
'index' => 'table1_id',
$this->addColumn('salutation', array(
'header' => $this->__('Title'),
'align' => 'left',
'index' => 'salutation',
'width' => '80px',
$this->addColumn('f_name', array(
'header' => $this->__('First Name'),
'align' => 'left',
'index' => 'f_name',
'width' => '100px',
$this->addColumn('l_name', array(
'header' => $this->__('Last Name'),
'align' => 'left',
'index' => 'l_name',
'width' => '100px',
$this->addColumn('subscribed', array(
'header' => $this->__('Subscribed'),
'align' => 'left',
'width' => '80px',
'index' => 'Subscribed',
'type' => 'options',
'options' => array(
0 => 'Subscribed',
1 => 'Not Subscribed',
));//additional column
table1 has table1_id, salutation, f_name, l_name
table2 has table2_id, subscribed
First I added the new column and that displayed fine, then I added the join statement, but that returned an
Integrity constraint violation: 1052 Column 'table1_id' in on clause is ambiguous
So its obviously something to do with $collection->join() but what have I done wrong? I wasn't sure if it was due to the order I place the tables but reordering them failed, i'm obviously missing something
$collection = Mage::getModel('module/model')->getCollection();
$collection->getSelect()->join( array('options'=>$this->getTable('module/table2')),'main_table.table1_id = options.table2_id','options.*');