Admin: Catalog > Manage products
Choose a product: inventory
- Qty = 0
- Qty for Item's Status to Become Out of Stock = 0
- Stock availability: in stock
A similar setting in the config:
Admin: System > Configuration
Inventory: Qty for Item's Status to Become Out of Stock = 0
So a given product has no items in stock, and when there are no items in stock, it should display as "Out of stock" on the frontend. For some reason this doesn't happen and the item stays "in stock".
How can I fix this?
with the following code:<?php $_product = $this->getProduct(); var_dump($_product['is_in_stock']); if ($_product->isAvailable()): ?>
. I suppose $_product['is_in_stock'] and $_product->isAvailable() are the same. Both have value 1.