The email message shows like this:

Item name x 2 EUR 2
Item 2 name x 1 EUR 3
Item 3 name x 30 EUR 4

How to add the product sku there? Like:

Item name (sku1) x 2 EUR 2
Item 2 name (sku2) x 1 EUR 3
Item 3 name (sku3) x 30 EUR 4

In email template it is done like this: <p> <b>Items</b><br /> {{var items}} </p>
But how to edit the way the {{var items}} -part prints out?

1 Answer 1


Take a look at sendPaymentFailedEmail() in /app/code/core/Mage/Checkout/Helper/Data.php which is call from /app/code/core/Mage/Checkout/controllers/OnepageController.php

The only email variables are :

    'reason' => $message,
    'checkoutType' => $checkoutType,
    'dateAndTime' => Mage::app()->getLocale()->date(),
    'customer' => $checkout->getCustomerFirstname() . ' ' . $checkout->getCustomerLastname(),
    'customerEmail' => $checkout->getCustomerEmail(),
    'billingAddress' => $checkout->getBillingAddress(),
    'shippingAddress' => $checkout->getShippingAddress(),
    'shippingMethod' => Mage::getStoreConfig('carriers/'.$shippingMethod.'/title'),
    'paymentMethod' => Mage::getStoreConfig('payment/'.$paymentMethod.'/title'),
    'items' => nl2br($items),  **<-- display items in your template**
    'total' => $total

Since there are no observer trigger your only option would be to do a rewrite and modify this code below accordingly to include sku

foreach ($checkout->getAllVisibleItems() as $_item) {
    /* @var $_item Mage_Sales_Model_Quote_Item */
    $items .= $_item->getProduct()->getName() . '  x '. $_item->getQty() . '  '
            . $checkout->getStoreCurrencyCode() . ' '
            . $_item->getProduct()->getFinalPrice($_item->getQty()) . "\n";

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