
I have tried above link, and below is the code: Now I am receiving emails without attachment. Full code as below: Custom\Module\Mail\Template\TransportBuilder.php

namespace Custom\Module\Mail\Template;

class TransportBuilder extends \Magento\Framework\Mail\Template\TransportBuilder
     * @var \Extait\Attachment\Mail\Message
    protected $message;
     * Add an attachment to the message.
     * @param string $content
     * @param string $fileName
     * @param string $fileType
     * @return $this
    public function addAttachment($fileName, $fileType)
        $this->message->setBodyAttachment($fileName, $fileType);
        return $this;
     * After all parts are set, add them to message body.
     * @return $this
     * @throws \Magento\Framework\Exception\LocalizedException
    protected function prepareMessage()
        return $this;

File: Vendor\Module\Mail\Message.php

namespace Vendor\Module\Mail;
use Zend\Mime\Mime;
use Zend\Mime\PartFactory;
use Zend\Mail\MessageFactory as MailMessageFactory;
use Zend\Mime\MessageFactory as MimeMessageFactory;
class Message implements \Magento\Framework\Mail\MailMessageInterface
     * @var \Zend\Mime\PartFactory
    protected $partFactory;
     * @var \Zend\Mime\MessageFactory
    protected $mimeMessageFactory;
     * @var \Zend\Mail\Message
    private $zendMessage;
     * @var \Zend\Mime\Part[]
    protected $parts = [];
     * Message constructor.
     * @param \Zend\Mime\PartFactory $partFactory
     * @param \Zend\Mime\MessageFactory $mimeMessageFactory
     * @param string $charset
    public function __construct(PartFactory $partFactory, MimeMessageFactory $mimeMessageFactory, $charset = 'utf-8')
        $this->partFactory = $partFactory;
        $this->mimeMessageFactory = $mimeMessageFactory;
        $this->zendMessage = MailMessageFactory::getInstance();
     * Add the HTML mime part to the message.
     * @param string $content
     * @return $this
    public function setBodyText($content)
        $textPart = $this->partFactory->create();
        $this->parts[] = $textPart;
        return $this;

     * Add the text mime part to the message.
     * @param string $content
     * @return $this
    public function setBodyHtml($content)
        $htmlPart = $this->partFactory->create();
        $this->parts[] = $htmlPart;
        return $this;

     * Add the attachment mime part to the message.
     * @param string $content
     * @param string $fileName
     * @param string $fileType
     * @return $this

    public function setBodyAttachment($file, $name)
        $attachmentPart = $this->partFactory->create();
        $this->parts[] = $attachmentPart;

        return $this;

     * Set parts to Zend message body.
     * @return $this
    public function setPartsToBody()
        $mimeMessage = $this->mimeMessageFactory->create();
        return $this;

     * {@inheritdoc}
    public function setBody($body)
        return $this;
     * {@inheritdoc}
    public function setSubject($subject)
        return $this;
     * {@inheritdoc}
    public function getSubject()
        return $this->zendMessage->getSubject();
     * {@inheritdoc}
    public function getBody()
        return $this->zendMessage->getBody();
     * {@inheritdoc}
    public function setFrom($fromAddress)
        $this->setFromAddress($fromAddress, null);
        return $this;
     * {@inheritdoc}
    public function setFromAddress($fromAddress, $fromName = null)
        $this->zendMessage->setFrom($fromAddress, $fromName);
        return $this;
     * {@inheritdoc}
    public function addTo($toAddress)
        return $this;
     * {@inheritdoc}
    public function addCc($ccAddress)
        return $this;
     * {@inheritdoc}
    public function addBcc($bccAddress)
        return $this;
     * {@inheritdoc}
    public function setReplyTo($replyToAddress)
        return $this;
     * {@inheritdoc}
    public function getRawMessage()
        return $this->zendMessage->toString();
     * @inheritDoc
    public function setMessageType($type)
        return $this;
File: Vendor\Module\Controller\Index\Sendemail.php 

$yourFolderName = 'careers-resumes/';

        // "my_custom_file" is the HTML input file name
        $yourInputFileName = 'careers-resume';

            $postValues = $this->getRequest()->getPost();

            $file = $this->getRequest()->getFiles($yourInputFileName);
            $fileName = ($file && array_key_exists('name', $file)) ? $file['name'] : null;

            if ($file && $fileName) {

                $target = $this->mediaDirectory->getAbsolutePath($yourFolderName);        

                /** @var $uploader \Magento\MediaStorage\Model\File\Uploader */
                $uploader = $this->fileUploader->create(['fileId' => $yourInputFileName]);

                // set allowed file extensions
                $uploader->setAllowedExtensions(['doc', 'docx', 'pdf']);

                // allow folder creation

                // rename file name if already exists 

                $result = $uploader->save($target);

                $filePath = $result['path'].$result['file'];
                $fileName = $result['name'];

                if ($result['file']) {

                    $storeScope = \Magento\Store\Model\ScopeInterface::SCOPE_STORE;

                     $templateOptions = [
                      'area' => \Magento\Framework\App\Area::AREA_FRONTEND,
                      'store' => 1

                    $store = $this->_storeManager->getStore()->getId();
                    $transport = $this->_transportBuilder->setTemplateIdentifier(5)
                    ->setTemplateOptions(['area' => 'frontend', 'store' => $store])
                            'store' => $this->_storeManager->getStore(),
                    // you can config general email address in Store -> Configuration -> General -> Store Email Addresses
                    ->addTo('[email protected]', 'Customer Name')
                    ->addAttachment($filePath, $fileName)

                    $this->messageManager->addSuccess(__('File has been successfully uploaded & mail sent.')); 

        } catch (\Exception $e) {

I am receiving email without attachment.

  • can you share full both files code? Commented Jun 24, 2019 at 6:17
  • I have edited my question with full code. Commented Jun 24, 2019 at 7:55
  • I have already given answer below. Its working. Commented Aug 2, 2019 at 7:06

3 Answers 3


Your overwrite looks good. Problem is where you send email. You maybe missing following part:





Replace addAttachment method by following code:

 * @param $body
 * @param $mimeType
 * @param $disposition
 * @param $encoding
 * @param null $filename
 * @return $this
public function addAttachment(
    $mimeType    = \Zend_Mime::TYPE_OCTETSTREAM,
    $disposition = \Zend_Mime::DISPOSITION_ATTACHMENT,
    $encoding    = \Zend_Mime::ENCODING_BASE64,
    $filename    = null
) {

    if($disposition == null) {
        $disposition = \Zend_Mime::DISPOSITION_ATTACHMENT;

    if($encoding == null) {
        $encoding = \Zend_Mime::ENCODING_BASE64;

    $this->message->createAttachment($body, $mimeType, $disposition, $encoding, $filename);
    return $this;

And call following way:

$this->transportBuilder->addAttachment(file_get_contents($_FILES['attach']['tmp_name']), $_FILES['attach']['type'], null, null, $_FILES['attach']['name']);
  • I have edited my question with full code. Commented Jun 24, 2019 at 8:48
  • check updated answer
    – Sohel Rana
    Commented Jun 24, 2019 at 9:10
  • Hello @Sohel Rana. is that possible to multiple files import in current code? how? can you please share? Commented Jun 24, 2019 at 9:23
  • multiple attachments?
    – Sohel Rana
    Commented Jun 24, 2019 at 9:27
  • Yes multiple attachments Commented Jun 24, 2019 at 9:36

Here is my working code as below:


Here we've to pass parameter as below line:

$filePath = uploaded attachment file path.

->addAttachment(file_get_contents($filePath), $fileName, $fileType)

public function execute()

        $yourFolderName = 'careers-resumes/';

        // "my_custom_file" is the HTML input file name
        $yourInputFileName = 'careers-resume';

            $postValues = $this->getRequest()->getPost();
            $file = $this->getRequest()->getFiles($yourInputFileName);
            $fileName = ($file && array_key_exists('name', $file)) ? $file['name'] : null;

            if ($file && $fileName) {
                $target = $this->mediaDirectory->getAbsolutePath($yourFolderName);        

                /** @var $uploader \Magento\MediaStorage\Model\File\Uploader */
                $uploader = $this->fileUploader->create(['fileId' => $yourInputFileName]);

                // set allowed file extensions
                $uploader->setAllowedExtensions(['doc', 'docx', 'pdf']);

                // allow folder creation

                // rename file name if already exists 

                $fileName = $fileName;
                $fileExt = strtolower(substr(strrchr($fileName, ".") ,1));
                $fileNamewoe = rtrim($fileName, $fileExt);
                $fileName = $fileNamewoe . date("m-d-Y") . '-' .date("h:i:sa") . '.' . $fileExt;
                $fileType = $file['type'];

                $result = $uploader->save($target,$fileName);

                $filePath = $result['path'].$result['file'];

                if ($result['file']) {
                    $applicantName = $postValues['name'];
                    $applicantEmail = $postValues['email'];
                    $applicantTelephone = $postValues['telephone_number'];
                    $applicantPositionAppliedFor = $postValues['position'];

                    $sender = [
                        'name' => $applicantName,
                        'email' => $applicantEmail

                    $templateVars = [
                            'store' => $this->_storeManager->getStore(),
                            'applicant_name' => $applicantName,
                            'applicant_email' => $applicantEmail,
                            'applicant_phone' => $applicantTelephone,
                            'applicant_position' => $applicantPositionAppliedFor

                    $templateOptions = [
                      'area' => \Magento\Framework\App\Area::AREA_FRONTEND,
                      'store' => $this->_storeManager->getStore()->getId()

                    $storeScope = \Magento\Store\Model\ScopeInterface::SCOPE_STORE;
                    $notifyEmail = $this->scopeConfig->getValue(self::XML_NOTIFY_VALUE, $storeScope);

                    $transport = $this->_transportBuilder->setTemplateIdentifier('careerspositions_email_template')
                    // you can config general email address in Store -> Configuration -> General -> Store Email Addresses
                    ->addTo($notifyEmail, 'Receiver Name')

                    ->addAttachment(file_get_contents($filePath), $fileName, $fileType)

                    try {

                    catch(\Exception $e) {
                        $this->messageManager->addError('Unable to send email. Please check that the details you have entered are correct.');
        } catch (\Exception $e) {
            $this->messageManager->addError('Something went wrong. Please make sure the details you have entered are correct.');


In Vendor\Module\Mail\Message.php as below same as this github reference link:

https://github.com/extait-com/email-attachment/blob/master/Mail/Message.php Here we've to check setBodyAttachment() function that should be defined in TransportBuilder.php

 * This source file is subject to the commercial license
 * that is bundled with this package in the file LICENSE.txt.
 * @category Extait
 * @package Extait_Attachment
 * @copyright Copyright (c) 2016-2018 Extait, Inc. (http://www.extait.com)
namespace Vendor\Module\Mail;
use Zend\Mime\Mime;
use Zend\Mime\PartFactory;
use Zend\Mail\MessageFactory as MailMessageFactory;
use Zend\Mime\MessageFactory as MimeMessageFactory;
class Message implements \Magento\Framework\Mail\MailMessageInterface
     * @var \Zend\Mime\PartFactory
    protected $partFactory;
     * @var \Zend\Mime\MessageFactory
    protected $mimeMessageFactory;
     * @var \Zend\Mail\Message
    private $zendMessage;
     * @var \Zend\Mime\Part[]
    protected $parts = [];
     * Message constructor.
     * @param \Zend\Mime\PartFactory $partFactory
     * @param \Zend\Mime\MessageFactory $mimeMessageFactory
     * @param string $charset
    public function __construct(PartFactory $partFactory, MimeMessageFactory $mimeMessageFactory, $charset = 'utf-8')
        $this->partFactory = $partFactory;
        $this->mimeMessageFactory = $mimeMessageFactory;
        $this->zendMessage = MailMessageFactory::getInstance();
     * Add the HTML mime part to the message.
     * @param string $content
     * @return $this
    public function setBodyText($content)
        $textPart = $this->partFactory->create();
        $this->parts[] = $textPart;
        return $this;

     * Add the text mime part to the message.
     * @param string $content
     * @return $this
    public function setBodyHtml($content)
        $htmlPart = $this->partFactory->create();
        $this->parts[] = $htmlPart;
        return $this;

     * Add the attachment mime part to the message.
     * @param string $content
     * @param string $fileName
     * @param string $fileType
     * @return $this

    public function setBodyAttachment($content, $fileName, $fileType)
        $attachmentPart = $this->partFactory->create();
            ->setEncoding(Mime::ENCODING_BASE64) /*Add this*/

        $this->parts[] = $attachmentPart;

        return $this;

     * Set parts to Zend message body.
     * @return $this
    public function setPartsToBody()
        $mimeMessage = $this->mimeMessageFactory->create();
        return $this;

     * {@inheritdoc}
    public function setBody($body)
        return $this;
     * {@inheritdoc}
    public function setSubject($subject)
        return $this;
     * {@inheritdoc}
    public function getSubject()
        return $this->zendMessage->getSubject();
     * {@inheritdoc}
    public function getBody()
        return $this->zendMessage->getBody();
     * {@inheritdoc}
    public function setFrom($fromAddress)
        $this->setFromAddress($fromAddress, null);
        return $this;
     * {@inheritdoc}
    public function setFromAddress($fromAddress, $fromName = null)
        $this->zendMessage->setFrom($fromAddress, $fromName);
        return $this;
     * {@inheritdoc}
    public function addTo($toAddress)
        return $this;
     * {@inheritdoc}
    public function addCc($ccAddress)
        return $this;
     * {@inheritdoc}
    public function addBcc($bccAddress)
        return $this;
     * {@inheritdoc}
    public function setReplyTo($replyToAddress)
        return $this;
     * {@inheritdoc}
    public function getRawMessage()
        return $this->zendMessage->toString();
     * @inheritDoc
    public function setMessageType($type)
        return $this;

File: Vendor\Module\Mail\Template\TransportBuilder.php

namespace vendor\Module\Mail\Template;

class TransportBuilder extends \Magento\Framework\Mail\Template\TransportBuilder
     * @var \Extait\Attachment\Mail\Message
    protected $message;
     * Add an attachment to the message.
     * @param string $content
     * @param string $fileName
     * @param string $fileType
     * @return $this
    public function addAttachment($content, $fileName, $fileType)
        $this->message->setBodyAttachment($content, $fileName, $fileType);
        return $this;
     * After all parts are set, add them to message body.
     * @return $this
     * @throws \Magento\Framework\Exception\LocalizedException
    protected function prepareMessage()
        return $this;

  • 2
    doesn't work after update to 2.3.3 ;/ Commented Oct 16, 2019 at 7:37

Override \Magento\Framework\Mail\Template\TransportBuilder in di.xml

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<config xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"
    <preference for="\Magento\Framework\Mail\Template\TransportBuilder" type="TM\ShipmentEmail\Model\Mail\Template\TransportBuilder" />

Define this constant if you need in overrides file and add following data

const MIME_TYPES = [
        'png' => 'image/png',
        'jpg' => 'image/jpg'
  //check file type  
protected function prepareMessage()
$snapshotFileTypes = self::MIME_TYPES[ (string) substr($snapshot, strrpos($snapshot, '.') + 1); ];

 //call for attachment in custom function    
        $this->addAttachment(file_get_contents($fullSnapshotPath), $endSnap, $snapshotFileType );
       // finally add attachment in this funtion

        public function addAttachment(?string $content, ?string $fileName, ?string $fileType)
            $attachmentPart = $this->partFactory->create();
            $this->attachments[] = $attachmentPart;
            return $this;

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