I'm trying to update products adding related, cross sell and upsell products by importing a CSV from System->Import/Export->Import functionality.

After the import process all the modified products (the ones in column "sku") have Quantity set to 0 (zero) and Stock Availability set to Not in stock.

My configuration

I'm working on Magento

My CSV file has the following columns:


I don't need and I can't add the qty column.

I try both Append complex data and Replace existing Complex Data.

My questions

  • Updating product via CSV import there are some required columns as well as sku??
  • Is there a bug on Magento import system?

NOTE: Time ago, for other stores, a fight with a similar issue importing product programmatically: all imported products gets the quantity specified for the first product and I resolved following the instruction at this link http://www.magentocommerce.com/boards/viewreply/408209/

But now I'm updating products (and not importing) and this method does not resolve the issue.

Some help? Thaks

1 Answer 1


Looks like a bug in that magento version.

You should try updating to a newer version - I couldn't reproduce that behavior in Magento 1.6 is very old and has security problems.

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