I have a script that pulls a file from an external server, and tries to save it locally (to then be processed). I'm using Varien_Io_Ftp() to facilitate this, however, upon saving the file locally, it throws the following exception, despite creating the file that is required which upsets me.

Warning: chdir(): Invalid argument (errno 22)  in C:\wamp\www\xxxxx\shop\lib\Varien\Io\File.php on line 547

This line in Varien_Io_File is the only one in the vacinity that doesn't have error suppression added to it. Is this a bug, or should I be setting _iwd somewhere within my call?

Hopefully some code to explain the call below:

$importDir = Mage::getBaseDir() . DS . 'var' . DS . 'import' . DS . 'stock' . DS;
$localFile = $importDir . "StockUpdate_" . date("Y-m-d-H-i-s") . ".csv";

$file = new Varien_Io_File();
$pickupFile = new Varien_Io_Ftp();

try {
            'host'      => $host,
            'user'      => $username,
            'password'  => $password,
            'timeout'   => '10'

    $_fileToImportRemoteTmp = $pickupFile->read($remoteFile);

    if (!$file->write($localFile, $_fileToImportRemoteTmp)) {
        die("cannot write local file :/");

} catch (Exception $e) {

The exception I being thrown with this line:

if (!$file->write($localFile, $_fileToImportRemoteTmp)) {
  • I dont think you manually need to save the file using $file see second option of string "read" method (string $filename, [string|resource|null $dest = null]) .. "string|resource|null $dest: destination file name, stream, or if null will return file contents". See docs.magentocommerce.com/Varien/Varien_Io/… Commented Nov 5, 2014 at 15:30
  • Added to the question :) Commented Nov 5, 2014 at 16:10
  • Shouldn't '$localFile' be "/path/too/file.csv" instead of "file.csv" Commented Nov 5, 2014 at 16:13
  • I use $file->cd() prior to the "write" line. If I combine the dir & filename, and drop the call to cd(), unfortunatley I get the same error anyway. Commented Nov 5, 2014 at 16:20
  • What is the output of echo $localFile and echo $_fileToImportRemoteTmp Commented Nov 5, 2014 at 16:22

3 Answers 3



$importDir = Mage::getBaseDir() . DS . 'var' . DS . 'import' . DS . 'stock' . DS;
$localFile = $importDir . "StockUpdate_" . date("Y-m-d-H-i-s") . ".csv";

$file = new Varien_Io_File();
$file->open(array('path' => $importDir)); 

$pickupFile = new Varien_Io_Ftp();

try {
            'host'      => $host,
            'user'      => $username,
            'password'  => $password,
            'timeout'   => '10'

    $_fileToImportRemoteTmp = $pickupFile->read($remoteFile);

    if (!$file->write($localFile, $_fileToImportRemoteTmp)) {
        die("cannot write local file :/");

} catch (Exception $e) {
  • Hi RS - can you expand your answer to clarify why this works (and it does - I came to the same conclusion), and I'll accept it as the answer. Otherwise, I'll put together an answer. Commented Nov 6, 2014 at 13:21
  • Cheers RS. I'll happily add an answer. Just wanted something expanded for anyone coming across this in the future :) - no point accepting this and not pointing out WHY it works in my mind. Commented Nov 6, 2014 at 15:54
  • Good luck next time, if you feel like it need explanation you could alway add a comment, but 2hrs wasted for no reason Commented Nov 6, 2014 at 16:00

For anyone looking at this in the future, RS has provided an example that works, but I wanted to jump in and give a little explanation about WHY his solution works.

The exception being thrown at lib\Varien\Io\File.php on line 547 is due to the reference to $this->_iwd not being supressed (and inherently, the fact that it isn't set). I'm assuming this isn't a bug, despite the fact tht you can clearly call the function directly. I'm guessing that the intention is that you call the ->open() function prior to making any action upon a file.

The open() function sets a reference to _iwd (if you pass a path into it to begin with). i.e.

$file->open(array('path' => $importDir));

Grabbing a reference to Varien_Io_File, and making a direct call to cd, whilst possible, doesn't follow the correct flow, therefore when you write, the original reference to _iwd isn't in place.

It's worth pointing out that you need to call:


prior to calling open().

Additionally, RS noted that http://inchoo.net/magento/magento-code-library/ has an example, however, the inital code doesn't mention the limitation above and actually calls ->write() directly too.



$pickupFile = new Varien_Io_Ftp();

$localDir = "/path/to/local/dir";
$remoteFile = "/path/to/remote/dir/text.csv"

mkdir($localDir, 0700, true);

$localFile = $localDir . '/local.csv'
try {
            'host'      => $host,
            'user'      => $username,
            'password'  => $password,
            'timeout'   => '10'

    $pickupFile->read($remoteFile, $localFile);

} catch (Exception $e) {

See Varien_Io_Ftp

Also for security you way want to use Varien_Io_Sftp

  • It seems like in the limited scope of my example, that this would work (with Varien_Io_Ftp) - however, if I need to manipulate the content before it's saved, I wouldn't be able to. My question remains - is this a bug in Varien_Io_File? Commented Nov 5, 2014 at 16:12
  • It's may be wise to manipulate file locally Commented Nov 5, 2014 at 16:44

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