On the product edit page, if I click on the Advanced pricing link, the modal/slide-over panel comes in to show additional (editable) details. However... the special_from_date and special_to_date are not visible.

I can create new attributes, and add them to the set, and they appear, but I cannot get these two items to show up. I'm sure it's something stupidly simple that is not configured properly somewhere.

I should note that when I created a new test attribute (that does show) I compared it with the settings for these two attrs that are not. Also, I've ran a SWAT report and looked for any potential patches that are may be missing that could be causing these issues.

Version: Adobe Commerce / Magento Cloud 2.4.2-p2

I've submitted a support ticket to Adobe... but we all know how speedy/helpful they can be at times.

Thoughts/comments? Many thanks in advance :-)

enter image description here

enter image description here

2 Answers 2


Create di.xml in your module. For example, app/code/Vendor/Module/etc/adminhtml/di.xml

<virtualType name="Magento\Catalog\Ui\DataProvider\Product\Form\Modifier\Eav">
        <argument name="attributesToEliminate" xsi:type="array">
            <item name="news_from_date" xsi:type="string">news_from_date</item>
            <item name="news_to_date" xsi:type="string">news_to_date</item>
            <item name="custom_design_from" xsi:type="string">custom_design_from</item>
            <item name="custom_design_to" xsi:type="string">custom_design_to</item>

Cache flush or run upgrade commands based on your mode of development. Let me know if it doesn't work, would be glad to help you further. Thanks

  • I've read that somewhere else as well... but unfortunately, this is not a custom module that we created. I believe this is a native/built-in function. I could be wrong as I'm still fairly new to M2, but all indications point to that. I learned yesterday that these date fields only appear when/if someone uses the "Schedule New Update" at the top of any product page. I had assumed that since there was data in the database, they would still appear. Apparently not?!? Also, this sale price data (price and dates) is being pumped in from NetSuite, so I have to deal with that issue as well.
    – Drew
    Commented Sep 15, 2022 at 14:31
  • In 2.4 as they have added scheduler functionality, so they have removed the dates field on purpose and yes you’re correct it’s native. In order to get the date fields back you need to create custom module and do the modifications as given in the answer. @Drew Commented Sep 17, 2022 at 3:27

I heard back from Adobe support again finally after a week there and prior to posting here.

This was their response:

Hello Drew,

Please note using special_from_date and special_to_date attributes to schedule special prices is a feature supported only in Magento Open Source, hence not displaying those attributes under the product edit page is the expected behavior in Adobe Commerce installations. The Adobe Commerce Scheduled Update feature overrides the Open Source price scheduling functionality.

Please refer to the provided documentation which compares the special price scheduling in Magento Open Source and Adobe Commerce.

Documentation: https://experienceleague.adobe.com/docs/commerce-admin/catalog/products/pricing/product-price-special.html

So there's my answer I guess... :-/


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