Currently my website running on Magento 2.2.5.

I want to upgrade it with current version 2.4.0.

Please anyone suggests me how can I update it without getting any issues.

wihtout lossing customized option in my Magento 2.2.5


1 Answer 1


Before start magento upgrade take full backup of site then you need to check magento system requirements as per the version which link is given below and update first if required Like :- (php, composer, mysql, elastic search) version etc then start work on it.


You can upgrade magento version using command line for that you need to follow some steps which i have given below.

  1. First Enable maintenance mode using a command.
    ==> php bin/magento maintenance:enable

  2. Take backup of you composer.json file using command.
    ==> cp composer.json composer.json.bak

  3. Update composer.json file
    ==> composer require-commerce magento/product-community-edition 2.4.0 --no-update

  4. Composer update
    ==> composer update

  5. Please run below commands one by one.
    php bin/magento cache:clean
    rm -rf var/cache/*
    rm -rf var/page_cache/*
    rm -rf generated/code/*
    php bin/magento setup:upgrade
    php bin/magento setup:di:compile
    php bin/magento setup:static-content:deploy -f

  6. Disable Maintainance Mode.
    ==> php bin/magento maintenance:disable

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