I want to apply coupon for a particular product, so I have set the coupon is valid for SKU basis and selected the product which I wanted that the coupon has to apply. Please see the below screenshot.

enter image description here

However, the coupon code is applying for all the items in cart. Am I missing something? or Is this the bug in Magento 2.3?

Any help will be appreciated!

  • Please add same validation in Actions Tab and check Commented Mar 2, 2020 at 7:29
  • @ShaileshKatarmal, Thanks, Its working fine after add validation in Actions and removed the validation in condition tab. So, one query here, what is the need of condition tab there? Also, you can send your reply as answer so that I will mark that as an answer and it will helpful to others
    – MagentoDev
    Commented Mar 2, 2020 at 8:39

1 Answer 1


You can add the same validation in the Action tab section for SKU check

enter image description here

  • Thanks. I'm accepting this as answer and can you please tell me what is the difference between condition tab and actions tab? because there is a separate condition tab in Actions tab.
    – MagentoDev
    Commented Mar 2, 2020 at 9:52

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