I have a magento store running and I cannot get a shopping cart price rule to work. Essentially, I want 4 items from a particular category with 3 attributes to be discounted to £10 from full price of £15.96 if 4 of the specific items are added to my cart.

Currently I have:

CONDITIONS: Apply the rule only if the following conditions are met (leave blank for all products)If ALL of these conditions are TRUE :

If an item is FOUND in the cart with ALL of these conditions true:

Category is 30
Bottle Size is 10ml
VG/PG Mix is 50/50
Quantity in cart is 4

ACTIONS: Update prices using the following information Apply Fixed Amount Discount for whole cart

Discount Amount 5.96 Maximum Qty Discount is Applied To (blank)

I have saved the rule.

Now when I add 4 of the specific items which match the above conditions to my cart the amount still shows as £15.96.

Any ideas as to where I am going wrong as this is killing me... any input is appreciated.

1 Answer 1


It doesn't look like the rule has been configured properly. Setting the Quantity in cart to 4 means you need to have 4 of the same product in your cart. Also, using "Apply Fixed Amount Discount for whole cart" will only give you a 5.96 discount on the whole cart instead of a 5.96 discount for each of the matched products.

I've updated the cart rule and attached screenshots below. Let me know if this works properly for you.

enter image description here

enter image description here

  • Thank you my friend that makes sense - I'll give it a go later and let you know how it faired. Many thanks again :)
    – user61941
    Commented Dec 16, 2017 at 11:22
  • hi Andrew, I tried this but now I cannot add items to the cart to test it. Cart showing as "You have no items in your shopping cart. "...
    – user61941
    Commented Dec 16, 2017 at 12:58
  • Specifically, the cart won't add in Safari, Firefox, IE and Edge. Chrome works on all platforms including mobile... this is really weird
    – user61941
    Commented Dec 16, 2017 at 13:58
  • How can i get the Packing charge from the customer of selected products by using shopping cart pricing rule? @Andrew
    – Gem
    Commented Sep 4, 2018 at 8:56

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