What is the safest way to remove the entire Yotpo module in a Magento 2.3 store?
This module is installed and enabled by default.
Below are 3 commands for your usage. Execute Point [1]. By using this you will get complete name of your Module, then you can run [2] and [3] commands.
1] List All Module:
php bin/magento module:status
this will list all module with 2 categories Enabled and disabled.
2] To disable:
php bin/magento module:disable Schogini_Firstdataglobalgateway --clear-static-content
3] To uninstall:
php bin/magento module:uninstall Schogini_Firstdataglobalgateway --clear-static-content
ie Name of your module: Schogini_Firstdataglobalgateway
If your module has dependency then you need to uninstall modules before un-installation of main module.
php bin/magento module:uninstall Yotpo_Yotpo
Jan 14, 2020 at 19:21