We migrated from magento- to magento-2.3.2 without problems so far. After upgrading to magento-2.3.3 (using composer) the tax configuration (Sotres -> Configuration -> Sales -> Tax) page only shows a white screen.

Therefore we tested to migrate from magento- directly to magento-2.3.3 - same outcome.

Sadly there is no error shown in the system.log or any info in the debug.log. No exception.log or reports were created.

We truncated all tax_*-tables - still same outcome. we remove all %tax% entries from core_config_data table - still same outcome.

Cache is disabled.

Source code of blank page:

    .highlighted {
        background-color: #DFF7FF!important;
<form action="" method="post" id="config-edit-form"
    <div><input name="form_key" type="hidden" value="c2Q2qjPKd7aIDSZK" /></div>
    <div class="accordion">

<div class="entry-edit form-inline">

That's all we got.
Any idea what causes the problem? If not: any idea how to investigate or start proper testing?

  • 1
    I think an issue in vendor/vertex/module-tax/etc/adminhtml/system.xml Commented Oct 17, 2019 at 11:06
  • Thank you for your hint. Disabling the module worked for us. Yet we don't know what causes the problem.
    – ulbiopro
    Commented Oct 17, 2019 at 11:38

3 Answers 3


If you using 2.3.3 or less version then you need upgrade vertax module version to


If you using 2.3.4 then no need to upgrade vertex version, it is already added.

If your 2.3.3 or less version

then open composer.json and "vertex/module-tax": "3.3.0".composer.json look like:

    "require": {
        "magento/data-migration-tool": "2.3.3",
        "magento/product-community-edition": "2.3.3",
        "vertex/module-tax": "3.3.0"

But you also have to remove vertex/product-magento-module package from .

    "require": {
        "magento/data-migration-tool": "2.3.3",
        "magento/product-community-edition": "2.3.3",
        "vertex/module-tax": "3.3.0"
"replace": {
    "vertex/product-magento-module": "*"

After that, you need to run composer update command to get the package /module at your system.

Before do that Please take the backup of code properly. Because of task update composer.json.


I got solution to Tax Configuration Blank Issue after Upgrade to Magento 2.3.3

Solution 1: Update vertex vendor

Open vendor/vertex/module-tax/Model/FlexField/Extractor/EavAttributeExtractor.php file (edit vendor file is bad practice but temp solution)

Find the below code at line ~121:


And replace it with the below code and save the file.

$attribute->setLabel($eavAttribute->getDefaultFrontendLabel() ?: $eavAttribute->getAttributeCode());

Changing the single line of code above will solve the issue of the tax configuration blank page in Magento 2.3.3.

Solution 2: Disable Vertex_Tax Module

Magento dir=>app/etc/config.php

'Vertex_Tax' => 1, to 'Vertex_Tax' =>0,

Then run

php bin/magento s:upgrade

Hope it will be help someone special scenario.

  • @ulbiopro late answer hope now get causes the problem.
    – matinict
    Commented Feb 18, 2020 at 5:02
  • 1
    didn't focus on this for a time, since we don't need the vertex module. I marked updating the module as solution, because to me it is the cleaner way, as they changed the quoted lines in their 3.3.0 version. Thanks :)
    – ulbiopro
    Commented Feb 20, 2020 at 9:00

i can confirm this behaviour. i have found one post where a typo should be the reason for this .../vendor/vertex/module-tax/Model/FlexField/Processor/OrderCurrencyGetterProcessor.php

namespace Vertex\Tax\Model\Flexfield\Processor; namespace Vertex\Tax\Model\FlexField\Processor;

f to F

but this did NOT help

the good thing is i have learned that disabling this vertex helps us we dont need i have disabled many more modules ...

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