Anyone can help me with the sample CSV format to import the "customers" from backend??

When I tried to import the exported file from Admin > Customers > Export To > CSV. It is showing the error like

Can not find required columns: email, _website.

Which means headers need to be changed ?

1 Answer 1


Go to System -> Import/Export -> Dataflow profiles. (NOT to Magento admin->System->Import/Export->Import!)

Then, select profile: Import Customers (or create if it not exists).

Set the Store value in the Profile information box to the 'Default store view'. Then, upload Your CSV, and run the profile.

You can use the CSV header like below:

id  website firstname   lastname    email   password_hash   billing_firstname   billing_lastname    billing_company billing_postcode    billing_city    billing_street1 billing_telephone   billing_country billing_region  shipping_firstname  shipping_lastname   shipping_company    shipping_postcode   shipping_city   shipping_street1    shipping_telephone  shipping_country    shipping_region is_subscribed   group   group_id    dob
  • Why NOT to Magento admin->System->Import/Export->Import. Can you please clarify???
    – Radhu
    Commented Sep 3, 2019 at 5:29

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