I have two stores one is en_US and fr_FR. In en_US store my shipping is fetching data with out any issues. But in fr_FR store my shipping is not working. It shows error like below,

[2018-04-10 05:32:02] main.CRITICAL: exception 'Zend_Locale_Exception' with message 'No localized value in 0.1750 found, or the given number does not match the localized format' in /home/Sites/magento/vendor/magento/zendframework1/library/Zend/Locale/Format.php:255

I checked the reference the number format is not allowed in french language. For english Weight format is 0.1750 it's working. But for french the Weight format is 0,1750 I can't able to change in backend because weight attribute is Global. If I change to Store view means no use it's not working. Please tell me how to fix this using language package or tell me any other way to fix this.


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