Question fairly self explanatory but how do you prevent the homepage of a new Magento2 install redirecting to www.domain.com/defaultsite ? It should simply go to www.domain.com

We are using latest version 2.1.8

It occurs in both developer or production mode. Cache cleared in var folder. Have ran setup:upgrade and recompiled etc. The .htaccess file is the default one that comes with Magento2 and has no edits. Same scenario for our env.php file in app/etc folder.

  • I've never had this problem, do you have stores configured in the admin? Did you use an existing database maybe? Check the db core_config base_url options too
    – jamil
    Commented Aug 29, 2017 at 16:43
  • Standard Magento2 install, put in place from Plesk on Linux server through server applications area. Category and product pages load fine, it's just the homepage that redirects to /defaultsite and puts a 404 error up
    – MagentoMac
    Commented Aug 29, 2017 at 17:10

1 Answer 1


This happened to me today.. out of the blue, the home page started directing to /defaultsite instead of /

Coincidentally, when I logged into admin to see what had happened there was a system notification message from a 3rd party extension developer that I had installed a few days prior offering me a new hosting solution. I uninstalled this developer's extension and my site started directing to the home page normally again.

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