I imported csv file to upload product image in magento 2. The upload image is displaying only in category list page and shopping cart page. In product description page a different image from uploaded one is displaying And that the same image displaying in magento admin product image section. why this is happens and how to resolve this one.

3 Answers 3


Follow the below instructions to regenerate all the catalog images.

Admin -> System -> Cache Management -> Flush Catalog Images Cache (bottom of the page)

Above one remove the cache folder from pub/media/catalog/product/cache, then run the below command to regenerate all the needed images

php bin/magento catalog:image:resize
  • Its is right but the things is after every csv imported base image and admin thumbnail issue is happens. Resize takes very long time more than 4 hours for 4k product. It may take long time when my catalog size increase. Commented Jul 7, 2017 at 11:20

Please check the images store view wise. may be base image change store view wise...


1- Please create a product manually in admin with 3-4 media gallery images.and check in frontend this product is showing correctly.

2- Now export this product and check all images column

3- Now compare your csv with this exported product. and match images column then correct your csv and import again.

Hope this will help you.

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