I have created a Module and need to have a separate tab (grid) in Magento backend (next to Dashboard or any other menu item) to display customer comments (that are stored in the separate database table of this module) in that grid.
Created a file adminhtml.xml using this article http://alanstorm.com/magento_admin_hello_world_revisited/ and added the code below, but I'm getting an error.
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<cpstest translate="title" module="cpstest_productcomments">
<title>Allow Comments</title>
<title>CPS Product Comments</title>
And this is the module's config.xml file
<productcomments module="Cpstest_ProductComments">
<class>Mage_Catalog_Model_Resource_Setup</class> <!---->
<title>Product Comments</title>