I am in my Magento_Theme Folder playing around with the _module.less file and have been trying to get it to change my background color of the header but I can't see any changes. I've cleared my cache.

I changed line 59 to:

.page-header {
        background-color: #07baba;
        border-bottom: 1px solid @border-color__base;
        margin-bottom: @indent__base;

and that did nothing. I also tried changing link 337 to add in the background color there and no results. I changed the border in 339 and nothing.

    .page-header {
        background-color: #07baba;
        border: 25;
        margin-bottom: 0;

Cleared cache etc. What am I missing?

  • Which type compilation you are used for css, Grunt or client side ? Commented Nov 2, 2016 at 7:19
  • This page of the Magento dev docs walks you through basic style changes. I strongly suggest reviewing that guide. Afterwards, work on setting up Grunt. It's really simple to do and will change your life. Commented Dec 11, 2016 at 8:35


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