I would like to add a function in Mage_Sales_Helper_Data without editing or copy of the original file. So I try to extend it, but this code doesn't work
I have created a config.xml in this folder app\code\local\ML\etc
<?xml version="1.0"?>
And then in app\code\local\ML\Sales\Helper I have created Data.php
class ML_Sales_Helper_Data extends Mage_Core_Helper_Data {
public function getOrderHistoryUrl()
return $this-> _getUrl('sales/order/history');
Finally into my app\design\frontend\my_package\default\layout\local.xml
I wrote this code for get the link of "My Order" on my account navigation
<reference name="top.links">
<action method="addLink" translate="label" module="sales">
<url helper="sales/getOrderHistoryUrl"/>
<title>My Orders</title><prepare/>
and also in app\etc\modules
What is wrong? Can someone please help me?