There is problem in the way how Magento loads the attribute values into the product collection. The store values are joined to the default values, unfortunately if the default value is missing then the store value is ignored.
I think it is wrong. Moreover this phenomen appears only if flat index is not available. If flat index works then the store values are loaded into the product collection properly no matters whether the default values exist or not.
I solved it by extending class Mage_Catalog_Model_Resource_Collection_Abstract in app/code/core/Mage/Catalog/Model/Resource/Collection/Abstract.php about these methods
* Load attributes into loaded entities
* @throws Exception
* @return Mage_Eav_Model_Entity_Collection_Abstract
public function _loadAttributes($printQuery = false, $logQuery = false)
if (empty($this->_items) || empty($this->_itemsById) || empty($this->_selectAttributes)) {
return $this;
$entity = $this->getEntity();
$tableAttributes = array();
$attributeTypes = array();
foreach ($this->_selectAttributes as $attributeCode => $attributeId) {
if (!$attributeId) {
$attribute = Mage::getSingleton('eav/config')->getCollectionAttribute($entity->getType(), $attributeCode);
if ($attribute && !$attribute->isStatic()) {
$tableAttributes[$attribute->getBackendTable()][] = $attributeId;
if (!isset($attributeTypes[$attribute->getBackendTable()])) {
$attributeTypes[$attribute->getBackendTable()] = $attribute->getBackendType();
$selects = array();
foreach ($tableAttributes as $table=>$attributes) {
$select = $this->_getLoadAttributesSelect($table, $attributes);
$selects[$attributeTypes[$table]][] = $this->_addLoadAttributesSelectValues(
$selectStore = $this->_getLoadAttributesSelectStoreOnlyValues($table, $attributes);
if ($selectStore) {
$selects[$attributeTypes[$table]][] = $this->_addLoadAttributesSelectValues(
$selectGroups = Mage::getResourceHelper('eav')->getLoadAttributesSelectGroups($selects);
foreach ($selectGroups as $selects) {
if (!empty($selects)) {
try {
$select = implode(' UNION ALL ', $selects);
$values = $this->getConnection()->fetchAll($select);
} catch (Exception $e) {
Mage::printException($e, $select);
$this->printLogQuery(true, true, $select);
throw $e;
foreach ($values as $value) {
return $this;
protected function _getLoadAttributesSelectStoreOnlyValues($table, $attributeIds = array())
if (empty($attributeIds)) {
$attributeIds = $this->_selectAttributes;
$storeId = $this->getStoreId();
if ($storeId) {
$adapter = $this->getConnection();
$entityIdField = $this->getEntity()->getEntityIdField();
$joinCondition = array(
't_s.attribute_id = t_d.attribute_id',
't_s.entity_id = t_d.entity_id',
't_s.store_id = 0'
$select = $adapter->select()
->from(array('t_s' => $table), array($entityIdField, 'attribute_id'))
array('t_d' => $table),
implode(' AND ', $joinCondition),
->where('t_s.entity_type_id = ?', $this->getEntity()->getTypeId())
->where("t_s.{$entityIdField} IN (?)", array_keys($this->_itemsById))
->where('t_s.attribute_id IN (?)', $attributeIds)
->where('t_s.store_id = ?', $storeId)
->where('t_d.entity_type_id IS NULL');
} else {
$select = null;
return $select;
Method _getLoadAttributesSelectStoreOnlyValues builds query for loading the store values if some relevant default value does not exist (method comes from original _getLoadAttributesSelect)
Method _loadAttributes comes from parent class and it extends the "main query" for loading the attribute values about adding query builded by _getLoadAttributesSelectStoreOnlyValues.
Of course, move class to the local code pool (app/code/local/Mage/Catalog/Model/Resource/Collection/Abstract.php) before making some changes.