I'm trying to install Magento CE on Ubuntu 14. Everything is fine but when I go in the frontend I can't see the Sample images in the right way and when I try to click on links a Not Found error appears. What can I do?
1 Answer
@Douglas is correct - you just need to get the web server doing re-writes. There is a small gotcha though, so an extra step here, to hopefully save you some time:
Step 1 - install and enable the mod_rewrite module;
Step 2 - edit the vhost configuration to allow over-rides in .htaccess;
Step 3 - restart/reload apache;
If you try and enable the apache mod_rewite module then it will let you know if it is installed:
sudo a2enmod rewrite
In the vhost declaration (/etc/apache2/sites-enabled/000-default.conf) you need to find the <directory ... >
entry and put AllowOverride All
in there. This is what enables the htaccess file to be read and for the rewrites to be picked up correctly.