I recently installed a new installation of Magento CE

I am attempting to upload my product images Catalog->Manage Products->Edit Product->Images

Then I Browse Files and choose my .jpg file.

I then click the Upload Files button.

I get a red box that says, "File was not uploaded." I checked the code and modified this section: throw new Exception('File was not uploaded. Error='.$this->_file['error'], $code); in lib/Varien/File/Uploader.php

The error code I get is 0

Which I thought meant success....so I am very confused.

I have my tmp dirs all set to 777 including the one listed in phpinfo()

Any ideas where I am going wrong or what I need to do to upload image files?


Jim Nickel

  • Bump....I really am hoping someone has some suggestion.
    – Jim Nickel
    Commented Nov 24, 2014 at 17:09

1 Answer 1


So....I have to assume it was some permissions issue, but I had already put everything to 777.

Anyway...I changed my php.ini to point to a directory inside my websites home directory var/tmp in my case and now it works fine.


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