i'm creating customers with the REST-API and trying to give each customer an initial password. Problem is, that when the customers try to log on to the shop with their mail-address, loggin in is rejected because of a wrong password.
This is my code for creating customers in C#:
customerLocal.Password = "defaultpassword123!";
customerLocal.TaxVat = String.Empty;
customerLocal.CustomerCategory = "3";
request = new RestRequest("customers", Method.POST);
request.RequestFormat = DataFormat.Json;
restClient = new RestApiClient();
restResult = restClient.Execute(request);
after executing, customer is created, but the password isn't accepted when logging in.
I've also tried to encrypt the password with md5:
customerLocal.Password = System.Web.Security.FormsAuthentication.HashPasswordForStoringInConfigFile("defaultpassword123!", "MD5");
This isn't working too.